Release Day: Redesigning Fate by AM Wilson

NEW RELEASE: Redesigning Fate by AM Wilson

I left everything behind in order to be free. I should have known better than to think it would be so easy. All it took was one day at my new job.
He came for me.
I used a stranger to deter him, and in doing so, realized my heart began to beat again. Elias Brooks put me back together after Travis Dawson tore me apart. Travis makes it everybody's business that I belong to him, including Elias, but he couldn’t be more wrong.
He’s stalking me.
I’m afraid he’s come back to hurt me again. He promises he’s not. Travis pleads he’s only trying to keep me safe from none other than Elias.
Who do I trust? Fate led me down the wrong path before. Who’s to say it won’t happen again?

FREE on Kindle Unlimited!

A.M. Wilson fell in love with writing in second grade when she won a young writers' contest. She spent the years following carrying around a spiral notebook, which she filled with poetry and short stories detailing the dramatics of being a young girl. When she hit her college years, she set the notebooks down and fell in love with reading romance novels. She may have attended college four separate times, in four different fields, but always knew in her heart writing was her true passion. She grew up in Duluth, Minnesota and spent her summers in the cold waters of Lake Superior, but relocated to the Twin Cities with the love of her life and has two spirited children who make her world go round.
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