99 Days of Laney MacGuire by Rachel Bateman {Cover Reveal}

Cover Reveal

99 Days of Laney MacGuire by Rachel Bateman

Title: 99 Days of Laney MacGuire
Author: Rachel Bateman
Release Date: November 14, 2013
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Book SummaryLaney can’t wait to spend the summer at her father’s lake resort. It’s a place where time stands still and nothing ever changes – the perfect thing for Laney after the year she just had. But when she gets there, she discovers the lodge isn’t quite as unchanging as she once thought. 

Some of the differences are good, like Rory’s new look; some are bad, like whatever secret Karissa is keeping. And then some things are just confusing, like Weston.


Unknown said…
Thank you so, so much for taking part in my cover reveal. I really appreciate it.