Carter Reed by Tijan {Blog Tour & Giveaway}


Emma decided to skip the gym and went home early. It was the last easy decision she made because she found her roommate being raped by the boyfriend. She had two choices. Call the cops and be killed by his family’s mafia connections or kill him first and hope to survive. There was no choice to her. She killed the bastard first and went to the one person who could protect her. Carter Reed. He’s a weapon for the rivaling mafia family, but he’s also Emma’s secret. Not only was he best friends with her brother, but she’s the reason he became that weapon in the first place.

I have been in love with Tijan writing for a long Time. I have read everything published and unpublished by her. After reading the synopsis of Carter Reed I was intrigued, it was different from any of her other books and I couldn't  wait to read it. Carter Reed had suspense, action and a hot dangerous alpha male.  Carter Reed was full of suspense and action from the first page and I just couldn't put it down.  Emma decided to skip the gym and go home early. When she walks into her apartment her roommate and best friend is being raped by her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is the son of a mobster and she knows if she calls the cops the won't help her. Emma doesn't have much time and he is killing her best friend so she shoots him. Now that he is dead what are they going to do how is she going to keep them safe. She take her and Mallory to her friend house until she can figure something out.

Her brother Aj was murdered by the mafia, but he always told her if she need anyone Carter Reed will help her. She is scared to reach out to him but has no were else to go. Carter has agreed to protect her under his terms and she agrees.

The chemistry between the two is HOT HOT HOT you will not want to put this down. You will be wanting your own Carter Reed when you done reading this. This book keep me on the edge of my seat, I could never predict what was going to happen. Will they escape the mafia, will their romance last, who will die? This are all question you can get answered if you read this 5 star book by Tijan.  
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Tijan started writing later in life, after she had already graduated college with a different direction in mind and a different degree under her belt. Hitting the brakes on that path, she taught herself how to write a good book and began posting at sites such as Fictionpress, along with Wattpad. After receiving such encouraging messages from readers, she self-published Fallen Crest High and has continued throughout the year. She continues to keep writing NA books!





When we got there, he let go, but I took his hand again and led him into the bathroom. His face had been battered from the beatings. There was dried blood over him, in his hair as well, and he stood there watching as I inspected every wound. He winced as I probed his ribs, so instead of having him lift his shirt over, I took a firm hold at the top and ripped it. It fell to the floor. My eyes took it all in. His chest and ribs had taken the brunt of the kicks, at least the ones I saw. The tips of my fingers softly grazed over him, and he hissed from the pain.
My eyes caught his. I saw the pain and took a deep breath. Strength surged inside of me. He needed mine so I pointed to the counter and murmured, "Sit." My voice came out hoarse, and I bit down on my lip. Pain sliced me when he made a motion to vomit. When he didn't, I let out the breath I'd been holding and warmed some washcloths.
Pressing it to the cut on his nose, the washcloth immediately turned red from the blood. He hissed some more when I continued to his swollen cheek, then his swollen eye.
"You should see a doctor."
He nodded, closing his one eye. Slowly, he leaned forward and rested his forehead on my shoulder. His lips moved against my skin as he answered, "I had to see you first."
My hand lifted to cradle the back of his head. I drew another deep breath in and rested my head against his. My eyes closed. I felt his pain and I hated it. He shouldn't have been hurting, but I knew he put himself in that situation for a reason. So many questions flew in my head, but I refrained from asking. My fingers began to massage the back of his head, delicately at first and they grew stronger when he didn't grimace or flinch away. Instead, his hand moved to the small of my back and he pressed me tighter against him. As I kept massaging, he grew more and more tired. His weight leaned on top of me until all of it was there. He had fallen asleep. I was holding him up and I stood there. I continued holding him. I would've stood there for hours, standing for him but a small movement caught my eye and I looked up.
Amanda had a hand to her mouth. She watched from the doorway. As she did, a lone tear slipped down. Then she mouthed, "He's asleep?"


Imagine Dragons: Radioactive •
 AFI, song: Prelude • 
Alicia Keys: Girl on Fire • 
Audiomachine: the whole albums: Epica and Helios • 
Avicii: Wake Me Up •
 Butterfly Boucher: Bitter Song • 
Carrie Underwood: Blown Away, Two Black Cadillacs • 
The Civil Wars: Oh, Mama • 
Fall Out Boy: the entire album of Save Rock and Roll • 
Florence and the Machine: Breath of Life, What the Water Gave Me, Seven Devils, Leave My Body •
 Gossip: Listen Up, Yr Mangled Heart • OneRepublic: Counting Stars • 
Otis Taylor: Nasty Letter • 
The Pretty Reckless: Just Tonight, You, and Burn •
 The Script: Hall of Fame • 
Skylar Grey: Back From the Dead • 
The entire soundtrack from The Hunger Games • 
Charlie Mars: How I Roll • 
Turin Brakes: Dark On Fire • 
Susan Boyle: Hallelujah • 
Sun Kil Moon: Heron Blue, Carry Me Ohio • Sara Jackson-Holman: Freight Train • 
Hem • 
Princess One Point Five: With Light There Is Hope • 
Mumford and Sons: Broken Crown • Macklemore and Ryan Lewis: Ten Thousand Hours • 
Almost anything from Mr. SuicideSheep on Youtube and Chillstep mixes!





