Kidnapping Hs Bride by Karren Erickson {Release Day Launch}

It's here! Karen Erickson's KIDNAPPING HIS BRIDE is live and ready for you today! An amazing contemporary romance, KIDNAPPING HIS BRIDE is book 2 in The Renaldis Series. It's steamy, sexy and a definite must-read! 

And you can get it today!!

See below for all of the information on KIDNAPPING HIS BRIDE and Karen Erickson, as well as where to find her. We also have an excerpt for you. After reading the excerpt, make sure to go and enter the amazing giveaway below!  



He’d helped her out of the car like a gentleman, taking her hand as she stepped onto the sidewalk. His arm swooped around her waist as she stumbled in her shoes, embarrassed yet thankful he caught her. Her legs still quivered from the intensity of her orgasm, her skin fairly vibrating. The satisfied smile he gave her just before he leaned in for a brief kiss had left her even dizzier than before.

“You’re glowing,” he murmured only for her to hear, his arm tightening around her waist as he led her into the building, tipping his head at the doorman as they headed straight toward the elevator.

The moment the doors slid closed, he had her pinned against the wall, his mouth on hers, his hands cupping her face as the elevator made its quick ascent. “I love that I’ve made you look like this,” he whispered against her lips before devouring her again.

“H-how do I look?” she asked after he finally broke away from her lips, his mouth dotting fevered little kisses along her jaw, down the side of her neck.

“Beautiful,” he whispered reverently, his gaze meeting hers. “Radiant. Satisfied.”

Her cheeks warmed and she ducked her head, thankful when the elevator finally stopped and the doors opened. Rafe took her hand and walked her down the short hall that led to his apartment. He seemed agitated, downright anxious as he unlocked the door and then he was pulling her inside, slamming the door behind them, pushing her against the wall as if he were unable to keep his hands off of her.

She loved it. Wished fervently that she’d known Rafe had this side to him long ago. It was rather…arousing.

“I’ll stop if you want me to,” he said, his expression sincere, his eyes serious as they roved over her face. “Just say the word and you can go to your room tonight alone and everything will be fine tomorrow. I won’t hold your refusal of me against you. You’re in complete control of this situation, Cat. I hope you realize this.”

“Or?” she prompted, because she knew there was more. There had to be. The mysterious depths behind his words intrigued her. She didn’t want to stop this.

She wanted more. More, more, more.

“Or…” His voice trailed off, his gaze sweeping over her body, lingering on her chest, then moving upward to her mouth. “You can come with me. And spend the night in my bed.”

She nibbled on her lower lip, her body aching from the dark promise in his voice. There wasn’t a doubt that she wanted to be with him tonight, in his bed. But a small part of her was scared.


Catch her if you can…

The Renaldis, Book 2

Rafael Renaldi is a modern man with an old-fashioned secret—an arranged marriage. Though it was an informal agreement, made when they were children, Rafe has always been a little in love with the beautiful, passionate Catalina Campioni. And assumed that the single, searing kiss they shared years ago sealed the deal.

Marriage? Babies? Not now—not yet. After growing up witnessing her mother’s devastation over her father’s cheating, Cat has no intention of settling down anytime soon. She plans to live life to the fullest before marching down the aisle—and it definitely won’t be with womanizing, lethally charming Rafe.

When Rafe realizes his bride-to-be wants nothing to do with him, he does what a crazed man might do—he kidnaps her. But not to force her to the altar. She wants adventure? He’ll show her adventure, and show her life with him will never be dull.

But even as they fall in love, someone close is desperate to keep them apart and will do whatever it takes to ensure they won’t marry. Anyone. Ever…

About Karen Erickson:

USA Today bestselling author Karen Erickson writes what she loves to read - sexy contemporary romance. Digitally published since 2006, she's a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite with her husband and three children.


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