Release Day Blitz & Giveaway: One To Hold by Tia Louise

It's here! ONE TO HOLD by Tia Louise is here and we are thrilled to get to be a part of the release day launch! Check out what we have going on today as we celebrate the release of this hot and steamy debut novel. There's an excerpt for you! Then look below for all the information regarding the book and Tia Louise. You can also enter in a giveaway below! Check it all out and be sure to let us know what you are looking forward to when it comes to ONE TO HOLD!

ONE TO HOLD Synopsis:

WARNING: Mature themes, strong language and sexual content. Recommended for adult readers (18+) only!

Derek Alexander is an ex-Marine, ex-cop, and the top investigator in his field. Melissa Jones is a small-town girl trying to escape her troubled past.

When the two intersect in a bar in Arizona, their sexual chemistry is off the charts. But what is revealed during their "one week stand" only complicates matters.

Because she'll do everything in her power to get away from the past, but he'll do everything he can to hold her.

Standalone, M/F, HEA.

Release Day Excerpt:
I only had a moment to observe how very clean it was before he had me against the wall, pinned by his huge physique.

“You never came.” His voice was a low, husky whisper. “I waited all night.”

My hands rested on his chest, and heat flamed through me with every heartbeat. My eyes traveled up, up, up to his. They were darkened now, and I was certain he was thinking the same thing as me.

He remembered how fantastically our bodies came together two nights ago. I barely registered him reaching out to lock the door.

“I’m sorry,” was all I could say.

“When you walked in the restaurant tonight… god, you’re so beautiful.” He spoke against my skin as his lips pressed into my brow, his beard roughing my closed eyelids. “Are you feeling bad?”

“No,” I managed to say despite the heat surging through me as his lips moved to my temple. “I… didn’t think I could eat.”

“Good,” he said in a thick voice before covering my mouth with his. Mine opened quickly, drawing him in. Our tongues entwined before his lips moved to my jaw then down my neck.

“I thought about you all day.” His breath whispered across my skin, and I couldn’t stop a surge of desire low in my stomach. “Will you let me have you here?”

“Yes,” I barely spoke, and he dropped to his knees.

He gathered the thin fabric of my dress, shoving it up to my waist as he caught the side of my thong with his thumb.

About Tia Louise:

Tia Louise is a former journalist, world-traveler, and collector of beautiful men (who inspire ALL of her stories... *wink*)---turned wife, mommy, and novelist.

It's possible she has a slight truffle addiction. And she will never look at a family restroom the same way again.

ONE TO HOLD is her debut adult romance.


Release Day Launch Participating Blogs

And don't miss the giveaway Here! 

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