Release Day Blitz: Timing Is Everything Series by Erika Ashby


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Moving Forward (Timing is Everything 1)
Jesika Reynolds’ heart was left broken one year ago when her husband died, leaving her and her son alone in this world. Slowly, she started putting the pieces back together of her life. Knowing that she may never open herself up to love again. That was until the day Derek came into the picture.
Why does this gorgeous stranger seem to care so much, so suddenly?
Derek Jordan's charm drew her in with an instant connection, and familiarity that helps her feel at ease. Her heart is falling at his feet, but as their relationship grows, so does a secret from both of their pasts that neither saw coming. One by one, the threads slowly start to unravel.
Can their newly sought love stand up against the secrets that life is unlocking to their pasts? Or can they decide together that moving forward and forgetting the past is the only option for them to find true happiness?
**Intended for Mature Audiences**
No Going Back (Timing is Everything #2)
Life isn’t always about fairytales and happily ever-after’s according to Seth Jordan. After having his world shattered and heartbroken beyond repair, he had always sworn off the idea of love. He was perfectly content with continuing his life with worthless one night stands and no strings attached sex. That was until one blue-eyed blonde managed to seep into places he thought were cemented shut.
Like a jack hammer, Mallory Prentice came into Seth’s life and cracked the hard exterior that surrounded his heart. She’s the one woman he was starting to feel might be worth taking a chance on.
But life doesn't always hand you the easy road. Sometimes you are constantly hit with the bad and have no hope of any good ever showing up.
Will Seth and Mallory realize that ultimately they are the ones who are in control of their life’s outcome? Will they embrace the future and fight for their own happiness, or will they keep lingering in past mistakes and let it keep them apart?
Life is all about forgiveness and second chances. Once you come to that conclusion and just go for it, there is…no going back.
In the End (Timing is Everything #3)
*Novella-Prequel to Moving Forward*
Jake Reynolds’ life had always been perfectly mapped out for him as he was growing up. The only time he ever felt like he had any control over it was when he was inside the cage—the same cage that held no for sure outcome. In his twisted mind being inside that ring with his opponent was the most freeing feeling. In that moment alone he was able to let his perfected guard down and be who he wanted to be.
From the outside looking in, everything about Jake’s life looked perfect, but he knew that he wasn’t. His whole life had been set up for him before he was even born, and even though it’s not the life he wanted, he continued living it.
When you have everything you could ever want at your fingertips, why screw it up?
That was his mindset until the night Jesika showed up at his fight. He knew she was different from the get-go. He also knew he didn’t deserve her, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to try. Jake had skills inside and out of the cage and he was known to always get what he wanted no matter the risk. But was he willing to change who he had always been in order to keep the one that he thought was worth the fight? Will it all be worth it in the end?


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Meet Erika

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Being born an "Army Brat", Erika Ashby has been residing in Oklahoma the last 10 years finally putting an end to the nomad tendencies she had grown accustomed to. She's a happily married woman who has 5 kids between her and her husband. She has an insane passion for music and embraces her Inner Groupie any chance she has. It wasn't until the age of 29 that she realized she also had a hidden passion for reading; before then she claimed to have hated it. Six months after unlocking that deep desire she never knew she held, she turned the key to another chapter of her life which has become the desire to write. And the rest is still history in the making.


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