Text by Cambria Hebert {Blog Tour Reveiw, Excerpt, & Giveaway}

One text can change everything.
Honor Calhoun never thought her life would ever be like the books she writes for a living. One morning while out for a run, she learns not all bad things are plots in novels. Some horrors can actually come true.
She faces off with a persistent attacker, holds her own, but in the end is taken hostage and thrown into a hole. In the middle of the woods.
But Honor didn’t go down there alone.
She took her kidnapper’s phone with her. With a spotty signal and a dying battery, her hope is slim.
Nathan Reed is an active duty Marine stationed at a small reserve base in Pennsylvania. All he wants is a calm and uneventful duty station where he can forget the memories of his time in a war-torn country.
But a single text changes everything.
Nathan becomes Honor’s only hope for survival, and he has to go against the clock, push aside his past, and take on a mission for a girl he’s never met.
Both of them want freedom… but they have to survive long enough to obtain it.
***This is a new adult contemporary novel and contains sexual content and graphic language. It is not intended for young adult readers.***
Daphnie's Review~
This was the first book I read by Cambria Hebert and Text blew me away. This book had it all, drama, suspense and romance. I couldn't put it down, I finished most of it in one sitting.
Honor went out for her morning run and everything changed for her, she thought it would never happen to her. Honor was kidnapped and put up a one hell of a fight. Unfortunately she did not win but before being thrown in a hole in the woods she stole her captors phone.
Nathan is a Marine and is a his weekly poker game with a group of guy. One of the guys Lex is late with the Beer and if your the one coming with the beer you shouldn't be late. Nathan send Lex a text and what he get in response has him thinking this is a joke. When he discovers this is not a joke he is determine to save Honor.
Nathan will stop at nothing to save Honor. The chemistry between the two of them heat up on this journey. Will Nathan past experience as a Marine effect the chemistry between the two of them.
Text was a great read with suspense, drama, sexy love scene, action.
5 Star read
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Nathan flashed a grin in the darkness. I longed to see him in the light. I wanted to know the angles and planes of his face. I wanted to take in his features and truly see the man who had literally saved my life. Nathan seemed oblivious to my thoughts as I watched him tidy up the first aid kit. Before he put it on the floor, he glanced at me. “Where else are you hurt?” “I won’t be requiring any more Band-Aids,” I quipped. He turned to look at me fully. His hand closed over mine and he gently took the flashlight from my grasp and clicked it off. “What about your ribs?” “I don’t think you have anything in that kit for them.” “Let me see them.” “Wh-what?” My mouth ran dry. He wanted to look under my shirt? “I want to see them.” “That’s not really necessary—” He studied me and then thrust his hand out in the space between us. “Hey, I’m Nathan Reed. It’s nice to meet you.” I wanted to laugh. We were a little beyond a formal introduction. But it was fun (hey, you try being kidnapped and beaten and see what you consider fun), so I slid my hand into his. “I’m Honor.” He held my hand a little longer than he needed to, his thumb brushing over the inside of my wrist. I caught myself right before I started purring like a cat. That would have been hella embarrassing. “I’m a Staff Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. My favorite color is green, and I like football.” “What are you doing?” I asked, thoroughly charmed by him. “Formally introducing myself so you’ll let me under your shirt.” I laughed. “I usually don’t let men I just met under my shirt.” “I’m irresistible.” I smiled. “And so modest.”Meet Cambria:

Cambria Hebert is the author of the young adult paranormal Heven and Hell series, the new adult Death Escorts series, and the new adult Take it Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book. You can find out more about Cambria and her work by visiting http://www.cambriahebert.com
