Blog Tour: Precious Consequences by Tamsyn Bester

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Precious Consequences Cover

All it took was one night to change the rest of my life.
One night that created irrevocable consequences.
But some consequences aren’t all bad.
They can be amazing…beautiful… Precious.
I willingly accepted those consequences and wrote a new plan for my life. But that plan didn’t include Cameron Argent – the sexy-as-sin tattooed playboy who got under my skin the moment I laid eyes on him. I was headed down a dark and dangerous road where he was concerned and in the end, our relationship was inevitable. Despite our dark secrets, our feelings for each other burned brighter than a thousand stars and left us both naked, vulnerable.
But when my past came rolling back into my life like a Summer storm, I wasn’t sure if his love for me was enough. Was he prepared to deal with the consequences of a past I couldn’t regret or would he walk away with my beating heart in his hands?
(This is a New Adult Contemporary Romance novel & contains language &adult situations. Not recommended for readers younger than 17)
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Daphnie 5 Star Review
Precious consequences is a great story about dealing with the consequences of your action.  Hayley life took a 360 because of one night. She wouldn't change a thing now though, her choice give her love that she was not getting before.

Cameron is Hot as Hell and is on his college swim team. He is extremely cocky and has mad a mistake from his past that haunts him and changes the way he acts . He is unable to have a real relationship and he blames himself for this secret.

When Hayley and Cameron meet Sparks fly. But will There past keep them apart? Can Cameron get past his mistake that haunts him?

Precious consequences is a great story about dealing with the consequences of your action.  Hayley life took a 360 because of one night.
Meet the Author

Author Page PicTamsyn is a 21 year old blogger turned author from South Africa who has an insatiable hunger for New Adult Contemporary Romance novels, coffee and chocolate. When she’s not getting caught up in yet another steamy romance with a new book boyfriend, she can be found spending endless hours working away on her laptop in pursuit of her Marketing degree and a career in book Publishing. Tamsyn is a Brat when it comes to books and believes that every story, no matter how challenging, should have a Happy Ever After.   Social Media Links Facebook: Goodreads: Twitter: Website:   Giveaway Kindle Giveaway Pic           **Purchase a copy of Precious Consequences and enter your chance to win a Kindle Paperwhite valued at $139.00. Enter giveaway (here) **All entries will be entered into Rafflecopter and Enticing Journey will have Rafflecopter pick the winner. If at the time the link and confirmation code of purchase cannot be validated a new winner will be selected.**  
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