Blog Tour: Taking Jessie by J.D. Alexander

Taking Jessie Cover
Beau is a strong military man. Working most of his life on a ranch, he's a cowboy threw and threw. However he's not ready to settle down and live the life of a rancher so he joins the Navy to see the world and experience life. That was until Jessie comes into the picture. He's head over heels in love with her.
When Jessie leaves Amarillo heartbroken she thinks she is done with men and will never love again. What she doesn't expect to find is true love in the form of a cowboy named Beau. Just when things start to work out for Jessie, her controlling ex-boyfriend, Tommy returns, he threats to harm her because of her new love.
Will Jessie and Beau live their happily ever after or will anger and jealousy take over. Find out what will happen in Taking Jessie
A Her Sailor Novel.
Daphnie's 3.5 Star Review

The prologue had me hooked immediately. I Just needed to know what has Jessie so upset. Their were so many twist and turn through out the book that I was not expecting to happen

Jessie is a young beautiful girl who has just broken up with her controlling boyfriend Tommy. She starting dating him in high school even though he was in college they dated for a few years and now he wanted to date other people. Jessie packs her stuff up and heads back to her Grannys houses were she spent her childhood. On her way she get a flat tire and she meet Beau. 

Beau is the navy and is HOT and has that HOT southern accent. He helps Jessie change her tire and sparks fly. 

Jessie and Beau relationship heat up, but thing aren't perfect when Tommy comes and wants Jessie back. When Jessie tells him she doesn't want him he doesn't take it well. What will happen to Jessie and Beau relationship? How far will Tommy go to get Jessie back?

This was a quick read I did enjoy it. 

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“I held Jessie in my arms as she started to nod off to sleep. She looked so peaceful with her head on my chest. We’d just made love for the first time in a long time and it was great. I felt that it might have been a bit too much for Jessie though; she was obviously winded and looked like she was going to pass out. I knew that she was doing better but I also knew that it would be a while before she was up to herself again. I was still early in the evening so I maneuvered to get up without disturbing her. She stirred a little but I kissed her cheek and whispered into her ear, take a little nap, Darling. I’m going to help granny with Dinner.”
Meet the Author
Author J.D. Alexander currently resides in Jacksonville, Florida. She’s a Navy wife and mother of three wonderful children. She decided to write when every time she finished reading a novel she would come up with her own ending or beginning. Getting tired of saying "I would have done it this way" she decided to give it a whirl. Her sailor and children are her life and spends as much time with them as possible. When not spending time with her family and friends she enjoys helping youth in the community. She also likes to sew and has made special occasion outfits as well as everyday outfits for those she loves. Next to her family and friends she has a deep love; read and you will find her any chance that she has curled up with her e-reader engrossed in a romance novel.
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