Cover Reveal: Gainers Grace by Heather Gunter

Title:   Gainers Grace
Author:  Heather Gunter
Genre:  New Adult
Scheduled for Release: March 2014
Cover Design:  Robin Harper of Wicked by Design
Event organized by: Into the Night Reviews



As a former gymnast, the concept of grace is something Mackenzie “Mac” Rivera is very familiar with. Hours upon hours of training, turning out routines that appear flawless to an outsider have allowed Mac to masterfully hide the pain and frustration of falling short of the level of perfection every gymnast strives for. It's a skill she puts to good use when she goes off to college and recreates herself. Moving on from a high school humiliation, Mac is happy with who she is and the life she has laid out before her.

Reece Shaw has it all, or so he pretends to. Too caught up in appearances and maintaining his high school status, he let the one girl that he felt something real for slip through his fingers and he's never forgiven himself for that. In a last ditch effort to put the past firmly behind him, Reece moves away from everything familiar in his life to start anew at college. Sometimes though, the past has an uncanny way of following you where you least expect it and he soon discovers its not always easy to simply start over.

Suddenly faced with a part of her past Mac would much rather forget, she is left with the all too familiar feeling of sliding backwards while trying to move forward; just like the Gainer she could never quite master on the balance beam. Mac's future depends on her leaving the past behind. The question is, can she do that gracefully and with her heart intact?

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About The Author
Heather is a devoted mother of three gorgeous boys.  She balances spending as much time with them as possible with writing, updating her Into the Night Reviews book blog and her day job.  Her love of animals sees her home in Canton, GA bursting with numerous dogs and ferrets.
Heather campaigns passionately for anti-bullying initiatives and has a strong conviction to reduce peoples suffering at the hands of bullies.

A talented singer, who once dreamed of pursuing a career in that field, she has put that goal aside in exchange for her writing.  A self proclaimed geek, whatever spare time she has is spent curled on the couch reading and listening to music.



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