Blog Tour: Forever and Almost Always by Amanda Bennett {Review, Teaser, Giveaway}

What do you do when the one person you have always wanted, you can almost never have?
We found each other by chance and it was perfect, easy and everything I could have asked for. Our love was one for the books. When he moved next door, my entire world flipped upside down and inside out, but it was the best feeling I had ever experienced. Until the time came to choose between him and my family. I was young and in love, but in the end, I chose my family. I’ve regretted that decision since the day I made it. Now fate has given me a second chance with the one person I knew I was always supposed to be with. But this time so much more was standing in our way.
Can I choose him over the life I’ve come to know?
Will he be able to forgive me and give us a second chance? Is true love really enough to conquer everything standing in our way?
Sometimes the hardest decisions in life, are the most liberating, I just hope that this time I made the right one.
Every girl wants to fall in love with that perfect person. To be able to fall in love with the boy next store is an extra bonus.
Dax and Charlee meet each other after Dax moved in next store.  When Charlee and Dax meet they have trouble expressing themselves to each other. They both are so nerves that they are blubbering to each other. Both get the wrong idea Dax think Charlee like his roommate and Charlee feels Dax doesn't really like her. When they both finally start talking to each other the chemistry between them was instant. Both Dax and Charlee fall head of heals in love with each. Everything is good until...
What would you do if you have to choose your family or friends. This is the choice that has to be made and family wins. Both worlds come crumbling down. Will love last and can they fix this?
What a great read from Amanda Bennett, it was my first read from her and I am now a fan. This book started in present tease and then we jump back to the past and then we end 13 years in the present. The secondary characters in the book paly an important roll in the book to.  We meet Taylor, Trevor, Aaron and Rachel. Each one plays a key roll in this book, some good and some not so good. I enjoyed the alternate POV's and how we changed from present to past and then back. If you looking for a good read about love and growth then grab a copy.

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Dax As I sit here in my truck staring at the note her best friend left me, I can’t help but replay the first day I told her I loved her over and over in my mind. I had never said those three words to any other girl in my entire life, and when I said them to her, she melted. I melted right along with her, but I clearly remember her melting. I had the one woman I had ever wanted in my arms as I made love to her in her pool. With every moan and every look, the feeling intensified. I never wanted to let this girl go, and as I whispered those three little words into her ear, as I thrust myself deep inside of her one last time, I knew in that instant that she would forever have my heart.
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Amanda currently lives in Utah with her many men (her husband, two little boys, and two dogs). She is an avid San Francisco 49ers and Dexter fan. In high school she developed a love for writing and storytelling, and in the past couple years has made it her passion as she just released her ninth book.

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