Cover Reveal: Destiny's Detour by Mari Brown

DD Ebook Cover

Release Date: January 31st

Genre: New Adult
Cover Design: JMH Designs


Heading off to her first year of college, Destiny is ready to take on the world. On the college dance team with her best friend, Amy, all Destiny wants is to have fun, enjoy her college years, and spend time with her older brother, David.
Troy is captain of the football team, sexy, sweet and her brother's best friend. Practically a member of the family, Troy has always been off limits...until now.
One night together changes everything...
A childhood crush turns into more and Destiny has no choice but to grow up sooner than she planned. Will life’s unexpected detours derail her forever? Is there a happily ever after in the cards for Destiny and Troy?
Only time will tell.

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When I wake up, I realize two things. One, I have a hangover. And two, someone is in my bed. I am almost afraid to turn over to see who it is. I know I was pretty drunk last night, but forgetting who or what I do is not a common occurrence. I peek over my left shoulder to see just who owns the muscular arm thrown across my waist. My breath catches when I see Troy Daniels, who just happens to be my brother David’s best friend. OH SHIT! David is going to kill us! Completely shameless, I take a long look at sexy Troy. His short dark brown hair is mussed from sleep and his face looks relaxed and content. I hope I am the reason he looks so happy. Troy’s eyes are closed but I can clearly picture those beautiful hazel eyes. When he looks at me, I swear he sees into the hidden depths of my soul. Troy’s body can melt any woman to her core. At 6’ 2” and 230lbs, the muscles on that boy make me want to trace every perfectly toned inch. His highly defined six-pack is chiseled as if it was sculpted by the gods themselves. Should a man really have abs that hot? It's just not fair to rest of the male population. His biceps are undeniably the sexist thing on him. Just looking at them makes my mouth water with the need for them to be wrapped around me. Right now, he is on display, only for me. I wish I could see the rest of his body. Fucking sheet! Ugghh. I should feel like the world’s biggest perv, but no, I’m just enjoying the view. I quietly slide out of bed, and making my way to the bathroom, I catch a glimpse of my naked form in the mirror hanging on the back of the door. My emerald green eyes are shining brighter this morning. My long, wavy, black hair has that just fucked look going on. I look around as the shower warms up and it seems like everything in the bathroom is brighter this morning. The burgundy and black color scheme of my bathroom is more vibrant. The counter littered with my makeup sparkles from the palette of color. I step in the shower to try to wake myself up. I have a feeling that today is going to be a long day. As I struggle to remember the events of the party last night, it seems the hot water may be helping my memory return. Bits and pieces start coming together.

About the Author

I have always loved reading and writing. When I was in the fifth grade I became a published writer (okay so it was the school newspaper). I spent the better part of my teen years writing stories for my friends. Sometime between ages of 16 and 35 life happened and I stopped writing but I never stopped reading. It was only after my grandfather passed away in early 2012 that I decided to go for my dreams and write a novel and self-publish it.
I write under the pen name Mari Brown, which is just a play on my real name. I am happily married to my own alpha/ former bad boy male, we have been together for 18 years. We have a 17 year old daughter and two sons ages 15 and 14. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats. There is never a dull moment around my house. We live on the beautiful Gulf Coast of Alabama.
In addition to writing I am also co-owner of Keepin’ It Real Book Blog, where I share my love of reading other Indie Authors.
Twitter: @MariBrownAuthor
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