Release Day Blitz: Flame by Brooke Cumberland

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Book Title: Flame Author: Brooke Cumberland Genre: Erotic Romance Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Carissa Wright doesn’t do relationships. Raised with a junkie mother and an alcoholic father, building relationships were far off her list. Rather, one night-stands were her usual. Carissa has one constant in her life—her best friend Velaney. Completely opposite of each other, yet they balance each other out. Although Carissa admits to only wanting sex and nothing more, will she allow in the one guy who wants to break down her walls or will she run out of fear of finally letting her guard down? She is unfamiliar with these feelings and wants nothing more than to walk away without a shattered heart. Will she be able to find the courage in order to turn a flame into a long lasting relationship? With walls built up and emotions locked away, can she learn to put her heart on the line? Or will each guy just be another flame?

Rachel's 4 Star Review~


The Spark series, by Brooke Cumberland has been thoroughly enjoyable, and Flame, book 3 (although it CAN be read as a stand-alone) is the icing on the cake.  Carissa was my favorite character in the first 2 books, being the bestie of the main character Velaney, and I was super thrilled when Brooke let slip that she was giving Carissa her own book.
Carissa is a love 'em and leave kinda girl.  She knows what she wants and she goes for it, at least when it comes to men and sex.  Carissa is a bartender and she knows how to work what she's got.  Her motto being along the lines of

  One night with a man was easy.  Quick and done.  Two nights, still easy.  Hello, goodbye.  Done and done.  But anything after that would start to get complicated.

  Along comes Drew.  A rugby and football player from London, so yeah, sexy accent...

   "You look fucking perfect like this," he whispers.  My eyes roll to the back of my head again as his accent rolls off his tongue.  I'll never get sick of hearing him talk.  However, hearing him whisper in my ear during enough to make me explode on command.

What Drew really wants is control.  He wants Carissa to come to him.  To call voluntarily, to let him in, to break down her walls and give herself to him.  Can she let him in?  Can she let go and have real feelings for someone?  Can she let go of her past so that she can have a future?

Flame was full of smut, smut, and more smut...and of Carissa's ups and downs, her casual conquests and the inner struggle she was never searching for.  Do Carissa and Drew get their Happily Ever After, or do they crash and burn?  Give it a read for yourself...You can get a snippet of her character is Spark and Burn and then the full effect in Flame!


I’m still blown away by Drew’s sudden attack on my lips. He left without so much as a goodbye or a here’s my number. I don’t know why it bothers me so much, but it does. One moment I’m sad, wondering if I’ll ever see him again, and the next I’m pissed off that yet again, a man has staked their claim on me and then just bailed. Ugh…what the hell is happening to me? I don’t think about guys. I dream of sex. Of multiple orgasms. But I don’t think of guys as anything more than just that—a way to get off. But Drew…yeah, he’s different. He’s a blend of sexy meat layered with a sense of entitlement. He knows he’s hot—he has to know. His muscles are practically popping out of his tight t-shirt. And I’m pretty sure I even saw some ink under those sleeves. Had he given me more than two minutes, my hands would’ve wandered up those arms and felt those muscles. Ugh…dammit. Must get Drew out of my head. “Fuck this shit,” I yell at myself. I waltz back into the bar, searching for him through the crowd that’s gotten rowdier since the next game started. I spot him near the back, laughing with his friends as they continue watching the game. I stalk over, grab him by the arm, and drag him with me into the back hallway. “Feisty little thing, aren’t you?” I let go of his arm once we make it down the hall where it’s quiet. “Fucking hell, you’re strong.” He rubs his arm with his hand. “What the hell was that?” I demand. “I should ask you the same thing, Doll.” He eyes me curiously, not giving away his thoughts. “Do you typically go around kissing girls like that and then bailing? Or am I the exception?” I realize I’m practically yelling at him, demanding answers, but I don’t care. He’s messing with me, and I don’t like it. He thinks for a moment before responding. “I suppose you could be the exception to many things.” He grins, roaming his eyes up and down my body again. I’m dumbstruck and bewildered by him. Fuck it. I grab his face in my hands and force his mouth back on mine. I’m not ready to leave his lips just yet—I need more. He happily reciprocates, wrapping his arms around my waist as he backs me up against the wall behind me. The kiss isn’t sweet and tender like before, but rather needy and aggressive. The intensity is overwhelming, but I give in and let him take control of the kiss. His hands roam down my ass and thighs, lifting my legs up as they wrap around his waist. He pushes hard against me, making me throb in between my legs as I feel his erection against me. Shit, he’s hard. I so desperately want to submit to my knees and take him in my mouth, but I don’t just yet. I’m too mesmerized by his mouth, his taste, that nothing else seems to matter but getting more of him. “Oh my god, Drew…I want you. I want you right now,” I whimper out. There’s no point in beating around the bush. I want him so fucking bad. “What do you want, Doll?” he asks, not parting our lips. “What can I give you?” he asks again softly. Jesus…the sound of his voice is so fucking captivating. Panty-dropping, heartbeat-skipping sexy. “Come home with me. Please.” What the hell…I’m begging now? I don’t beg men. But shit…I’m ready to beg for him. I guess there really is an exception to certain wants.

Meet the Author

new author pic brooke cumberland
Brooke is a midwestern gal, from the cheese state of Wisconsin! Go Packers! She's a stay-at-home mom to a wild three year old. Most days you can find her reading or writing, or just hanging out with her family! She loves movies, cooking, and shopping! She's addicted to Starbucks, Coach purses, and wearing yoga pants

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