Review: Never Been by J.L. Berg
Leah Morgan was done with men. After barely surviving a horrendous childhood, and a boyfriend who bailed when things got rough, Leah had given up on love. Then she met him, Hollywood’s new golden boy who suddenly had eyes only for her. She tried to convince herself that one night couldn’t hurt, but after six months, the memories of his mesmerizing gaze and searing touch still invaded her every thought.

Declan James had just one rule when it came to women. Keep it simple, and never linger. That all changed the moment he met Leah. Even across a crowded bar, he could tell she was different. Sweet, with just the right amount of sass, she made him break his golden rule and now he couldn’t walk away.

When casual becomes anything but, and emotions run deep, will Leah and Declan fight their fears, or let old insecurities tear them apart? When Declan’s past comes roaring back in a way neither of them could have expected, will they stand united or be torn apart by the challenges that lie ahead?

It was only supposed to be one night, but only forever will do.

Rachel's 5 Star Review

I received an ARC for an honest review. I don't read the synopsis or any other reviews prior to reading and reviewing. I like to go in blind, not expecting anything other than starting a new book.

So let me say, that the acknowledgment page alone would have made me read more! Leah is an awesome chick. How many people that had such a shitty upbringing could be so selfless? I mean, labor and delivery nurse, best friend and babysitter, volunteering at the old folks home? That stuff alone makes her Wonder Woman...add in there shoulder to cry on, laughfest comedienne, and drop dead gorgeous and you have the woman so many of us would like to least before we think about all the time that would take and then we wouldn't have our selfish "me" time.

Enter Declan James, movie star extraordinaire, and lusciously lick-able! I like the way JL Berg lets you "see" their first meeting 6 months previous to the story. It makes the fact that they hop into bed, or should I say against the door, within the first week or so of reuniting, a little easier to believe. (yeah, I know, it's a work of fiction, doesn't need to be believable, yada yada yada...but come on, how many times have you read a book and said, yeah, right...that's so believable...)
Leah and Declan start almost where they left off. Pretty much just fuck buddies. He's trying to get her off his mind, thinking if he can get his fill now that he won't want her later, and she's just trying not to let him into her heart, else he'll take it over an break it when he moves back out to LA.

This is a wonderful LOVE story, with a turn that wants to break your heart..but just because it sweet doesn't mean it's not HOT! And it's not just a scene or two, every couple of chapters, or maybe it was once a chapter, it was just HOT...

I loved the chapters from Declans POV. And you can be with them as they fall in love...will it work for them? Declan being a Hollywood hottie, and Leah being a nurse in Virginia? Will Heather, Declan's old girlfriend, and her secrets keep Leah and Declan apart? Read NEVER BEEN READY by J.L. Berg for yourself and find out!
Daphnie's 5 Star Review
While reading Never Been, I was really hopping for some magical powers. I so wanted to call CUT in many of the scenes an replace myself and then scream ACTION.
Declan was one HOT ass actor, not looking to start a relationship with anyone. He one only sleep with woman once and then be done with them. Things change the night in the bar when he meet Leah. Six month Later and that night plays light a movie and he get her out of his mind.
"God, I forgot how sweet you taste," he said against my flesh. In those minutes, I thought I fell in love with Declan's tongues. It was a work of art and should receive medals or trophies."
Leah was raised by her drunken father after her mother walked out. She is  kind, generous, and such a selfless person. She has such a big heart but suffer from  many insecurity. When Declan walked into the bar , she was speechless. Leah was a blubbering mess, she was unable to form full sentence all night. That did night stop them from having an unbelievable HOT night.
When Declan returns six month later he thinks he can just show up hit it and leave. Get her out of his system. Leah is not down for that and she proposition him. No tilt, No relationships, No one else.
Will this last? How will this proposition work out for them?
This was one HOT book from J.L Berg. I loved Declan and Leah and I loved to read threw their story. I can't wait to read more from her.
About J. Berg

J.L. Berg is a California native living in the South.  She’s married to her high school sweetheart and they have two beautiful girls that drive them batty on a daily basis.  When she’s not writing, you will most likely find her curled up with her iPad reading, in a yoga studio or devouring anything chocolate.
 

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