Blog Tour: I'll Take A Chance by Annalisa Nicole

Amelia Wellington is a quiet, young, successful business woman. Her past relationships have left her with scars so deep she has sworn off men all together. Until that one fateful day she quite literally runs into Doctor Kyle Peters, that is.
Doctor Kyle Peters is a busy young OB/GYN holding on to a tragic past that has torn his family apart, making it difficult for him to give his heart to any woman. But when a beautiful woman crashes into him on a routine day at work, he finds his world turning upside down.
Will Running Into Love be enough for them to find a happily ever after together? Does Kyle have what it takes to heal Amelia’s broken heart and change her outlook on life? Will Kyle’s past result in tragedy as history repeats itself?
When it comes to matters of the heart, sometimes you have to run not walk.

                              Desiree's 4 Star Review

His name is Kyle Peters, and he is a doctor. He has known suffering and loss. He has gone through madness and despair. His twin was ripped away from him without a hint or a trace, it was completely against who he was to try and accept that concept. People talk about twin connections, and he believes in his 100%. In Kyle’s mind there is no explanation for his sister’s disappearance, other than foul play. No one else sees that far into the case, they believe she left of her own free will because of devastation. He won’t give up on her, he believes his only mission is to find her. It doesn’t matter to him what his family thinks, or what the police say. Chloe would have never left her family voluntarily, Kyle knows this and when he states how he feels it tears apart some of their family relationships.
 Her name is Amelia Wellington, and she has been through intimate hell. She doesn’t even want to try again with another man, and why should she? She damn sure cannot think of a good reason to try again. At least, that is the way she thinks until she meets the good doctor. Why him, she asks herself… Why now? She doesn’t feel ready, and she doesn’t have any way of knowing he doesn’t either.
 Amelia has talked with her best friend turned sister-in-law, and Willow who cannot understand why the beautiful and healthy Amelia doesn’t want to try when the possibility of love is on the line.
 He has experienced tragedy, loss and devastation. She has only had love in her family, but the only thing she has ever known in her intimate relationships is disappointment. Why? What could possibly be wrong with her that her stories do not match up to the other girls’ when they discuss personal things? Amelia has come to accept her own personal defects as a part of life, it may be a cruel part, but it definitely is what she has become accustomed to.
 Until the good doctor steps in. Can they make a go of it? Can they overcome their own personal demons? Neither are sure, and they are both hesitant to make a decision that could alter everything. Are either one of them willing to let go of the hurt and empty promises that life has left them with?
 To be sure you can pick up your own copy of I’ll Take A Chance, Book Two of Annalisa Nicole’s Running Into Love’s series.
*Please read book one (Take A Chance) first, these books are a series and (personally, not good as a stand alone)
 I hope you enjoy these books as much as I have. In today’s world it is hard to come across a book(s) that are not just excuses for intimate scenes. (Don’t get me wrong here, this book is definitely steamier than book 1, but both have a heartwarming story to tell)
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I'll Take A Chance Blog Teaser 2
“Leave the shoes on honey,” I whisper.
I am so ready to just sink into her, but I’m fully aware that I need to see to her needs first. And that is something I can do willingly. I have been thinking about the first time nonstop. She was so responsive, and it is something I can quickly become addicted to.
I make my way down and she smells so damn good. She’s breathing heavy, anticipating my next move. Just like last time she’s on fire. Her legs start twitching as she writhes beneath me. It doesn’t take her long and she’s coming in my mouth, screaming my name. She digs those amazing heels in my back and I need to be inside her now. While she rides her orgasm back down, I reach in the night stand for a condom. I’m so turned on by just the noises she was making I don’t think it will take me long to find my own release. Rolling the condom on, I take my position over top of her. I can see the look of want in her eyes. She grabs my neck and pulls me down for a fierce kiss. I know she can taste herself on my lips and it’s beyond fucking hot. I slowly enter her and she makes whimpering noises.
“Oh, that feels so good,” she says.
I sink all the way in and start to move slowly. She’s so verbal and it feels so good I can feel myself quickly at the brink. She bucks her hips and flips me over on my back. In one swift movement she’s riding me hard and deep. She bends her knees up and plants her feet on either side of my hips. She then leans back and places her hands on my knees. She moves slowly as her head falls back, the ends of her long blonde hair brush my upper thighs.
I am an “Indie” adult contemporary romance author. I am a wife and a stay at home mom. I have been married to my wonderful husband since 1996. I love being a stay at home mom to our two teenage boys. We have a handful of pets, a dog named Lucy (who is in my books), a guinea pig named Flufy, (my son spells her name that way) and a cat named meow-meow, who adopted us many years ago and has never left.
I never liked reading as a kid and I only started reading romance novels in the past few years. Soon I couldn't get enough of them. My Kindle and I are inseparable now. A thought occurred to me in December of 2012 that maybe I could write a romance novel. So I went to work with the encouragement of my husband and my sister-in-law. It didn’t take long to figure out that I really enjoyed writing.
I entered my book in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest in January of 2013. Needless to say my three hundred word pitch didn’t even make it through the first round. My book never even got read. So now what do you do with a 50,000+ word book? With more encouragement by my wonderful family I decided to self- publish it. So here I am today a self- published author. It has been a lot of hard work but I wouldn’t change a single thing.
It has not been an easy road and there has been a lot of self- doubt, but I stuck with it and I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve been blessed to have been put in contact with some amazing people that have supported and encouraged me every step of the way.
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