Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: Let Me Go by DC Renee

Title: Let Me Go
Author: DC Renee
Genre: Romance
Publication Date: March 19,2014

Rape. One word changed his life. Mason Tredwell had it all. He was a good looking, well respected doctor. He had money, power, friends, and never worried about finding a woman to warm his bed. But, that all changed when he was wrongfully accused of rape. And now, after five years in prison and the loss of everything he cared about, he wants revenge.

Abandoned as a baby and bounced around different foster homes, Kat Gingham never really had a charmed life. But now, things are really falling apart. She has no money, no job, and even her lying, cheating boyfriend is gone too. She allows herself one night to cry about her situation before she picks herself back up. Kat falls asleep, safe in her bed, but when she wakes up, she’s no longer at home, and she’s no longer alone. She’s facing Mason, a guy who claims she ruined his life. And he’s hell bent on breaking her down, humiliating her, just like she supposedly did to him.

The problem is that she claims she has no clue what he is talking about, but he doesn’t believe her, declaring facts don’t lie.

Is Kat lying? Can she convince Mason to let her go? Or is fate playing a role in why they were thrown into this together?

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Rachel's 4.5 Star Review

Oh my, Mason was screwed six ways to Sunday...poor fella..
An awesome doctor stuck on emergency room rotation, a junky, and fate align one evening and suddenly Dr. Mason Tredwell's life is spinning out of control.  He gets sentenced to 6 years in prison for a rape that never happened.  Inside, he was repeatedly molested until Benny put a stop to see, Dr. Tredwell had treated Benny for gunshot wounds and Benny felt beholden to him and they came away as fast friends..

Kat, happy go lucky, unlucky in relationships and job searches falls asleep one night, dreams of beautiful eyes, and wakes up inside a nightmare...she'd been kidnapped by none other than Mason.  He wanted REVENGE on the junky that ruined his life.
Kat, having no idea WHY she was kidnapped decides to "kill him with kindness" to try and get Mason to let her go.
This story was awesome!  DC Renee has a wonderful way with words, and you really feel for Kat and especially Mason when he's not being a dick.  You yell in your "thinking voice" at them, trying to help them see past all the hurt and lies and feel connected to them, their characters so fully developed, you can't help but see them as "real".  This novel is SO engaging, I really didn't want to put it down.  There were times I had tears slipping down my face.  My husband giving me "that" look, you know, the one that says "what the hell are you crying for?  you're just reading!"  Ugh...DC Renee, you have officially gone on my list of "must read any story by this author!"
Thanks so much of a day and a half of wonderful memories!

About me, huh? Hmmm, let's see...some fun facts: I'm in my late twenties, I'm married to a great guy who likes to drive me crazy sometimes, but I love it and him, I am one of those people that when asked to do something says "No...Yes" (yeah, I know, I'm stuck in the 90's), I am a total nerd (like you couldn't tell), I am a Trojan (Fight On!), I work in health insurance (fun times-well, I actually work with my sis, so I guess they technically are fun times), I am way too close to my fam and I feel like I'm forgetting something, hmm...oh yeah, I LOVE to read and write!!!

1. I hate onions, but I love onion flavored things like Funyuns or onion dip.

2. I can’t mix too many veggies together. For example, I love carrots, but I’ll pick them out of a salad. I don’t like lettuce on my tacos or burgers.

3. I love dancing! (Not professionally, although I have taken plenty of classes over the years.) I supposedly bopped my head to the music before I could walk.

4. I go to Zumba & Latin Jam every week.

5. I played the piano until I was in college. I can read music, but I hated to do so, so I used to play everything from memory.

6. I speak Russian fluently, but I read like a first grader. Don’t get me started on spelling.

7. I work at the same company (and same building) as my sister, so I see her every day. We’re really close.

8. My sister and I have a 9 year age difference (and were born 4 days apart). We used to celebrate all our birthdays together. (Ironically, my mom and her sister also have a 9 year difference.)

9. I was born on groundhogs day (2/2). It’s also my aunt’s birthday too.

10. My favorite number is 22 (hmmm…I wonder how I got that). My husband’s favorite number is also 22 because he was born 1/22.

11. My first stories were Days of Our Lives fan fictions. They are still up on the website under my screen name fan22.

12. I got my Bachelors degree and my Masters degree from the University of Southern California. Go Trojans! (My sister also went there and got the same degrees I did – I guess you could say I followed in her footsteps.)

13. My whole family loves watching hockey, so it’s no wonder it’s my favorite sport. I love the Los Angeles Kings! (Root for the home team always!)

14. I love Bon Jovi and have seen him/them in concert 5 times.

15. My favorite rose is Fire on Ice. It’s white on the outside and red inside, so that when it blooms, it looks like red on white.

16. I was on the show The Great Pretenders when I younger. We were put into groups and dressed up and lip-synched songs chosen for us. I played the guitarist for The Go-Go’s singing Our Lips Are Sealed.

17. I love to sketch as a hobby, but I can’t sketch people at all. I usually sketch flowers.

18. I was my sister’s maid-of-honor at the age of 15. I didn’t get to go to her bachelorette party.

19. My favorite color is blue, so much so that my wedding colors were ivory and blue.

20. I’ve been married for 3 years, but been with my hubby for over 8 years.


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