Blog Tour: Sweet Ruin by Nazarea Andrews


Sweet Ruin Synopsis:

It’s good to be on top… Asher Knox has it all. Girls, wealth, a career most would kill for. He’s just landed the biggest job of his career. And he’s miserable.

She’s fighting her way from the bottom… Megan Beauchamp has no illusions about why she was chosen to be Asher’s PA. She’s pretty, and down to earth, and everything the Hollywood star always falls for. Too bad Megan is just paying her dues and has no interest in anything but advancing at her PR firm.

He’ll throw it all away…Luca James knows what he wants. And he’s waited a long time for the window to open—when it does, he’ll walk away from the career he’s built for a chance at something real.

When Megan’s boss threatens to fire her, Luca and Asher convince her to leave town with them. Between bad hotels and pit stop confessionals, the three are drawn closer together. And the lines blur even more in Branton, where Megan is forced to look at everything she left behind. But when the boys want more, Megan will be forced to choose between the men she loves and the life she thought she wanted. And in a town like Branton, the secrets she keeps won’t be hidden for long.

Warning: for mature audiences. Two sexy men + one sassy heroine = hot sex.

Daphnie's 5 Star Review

When I sign up for this Blog tour I didn't read the synopsis. I knew I wated to read more in this series. I loved the first two books and couldn't wait for more. Oh boy did I have a shit load of surprises in this book and I loved them all. 
I love a man with an accent. Give me a man with a British accent and a name like Asher, who's also an actor. Swooning! Asher was HOT, sweet and hated the lime light. He seem so mystious in the beginning of this book. I wanted to know what made him tick. Their had to be a reason for the reaction towards the lime light. I felt there was so much more there but not to much details on him. 
Don't you get bored with quit?" I ask. He looks faintly horrified . "No! Don't you ever get exhausted with all the Noise?" Yes Of course. But I thrive on it......"Every time I leave the house, I'm mobbed" "Most actors wouldn't complain about that, Ash." Most actors would give their right ball to be in his position... He smirks. "I'm not most actors"  
Megan was hot and feisty in LA. She was free from her home town and no longer know as Nikki little sister. Megan handled Asher with ease, his mood swing and all. She dealt with her uncles criticism and bullying. She just wanted to prove she can be someone.   
 Luca was a man on a mission. He knew what he wanted and he finally decide he was going to get Megan. Luca was so put together on the out side, but in the inside he had so much pain.  When his secrets starting tumbling out, my heart broke for him. Dealing with what he had to on his own had to be hard.
Here's were my surprise came. I wasn't expecting a triad, not complaining in any way. This was my first experience with M/M. I think that everything was well written and Hot as hell.
Without thinking about the consequences, I pull him down to me. His lips are hot, and dry and firm, brushing over mine like he's kissed me a thousand times-or stared at my mouth long enough to memorize it. I whimper into the kiss as he sweeps into my mouth with a strong stroke, tongue sliding along mine. His finger brushes across my nipple and I groan, arching into him. Asher's head lifts, and I feel the bed shift. Aware suddenly, I break the kiss, and twist to stare at him. "Don't Stop" he say's softly starting at us. Luca inhales sharply.
 I could feel Megan and Ash's connection at the beginning at of the book. Megan may have had rules but she found Knox to be attractive. When Luca threw his two cents in saying he wanted her two. I thought this is getting interesting. and things started to spice up. Nazarea Andrews connection of this characters was fantastic. 
Each one of them balanced  another out. Megan was able to calm Luca. Luca new what Megan was thinking and she would run to him when things went bad. Asher was able to calm and talk to Luca, each one of them fit together in their perfect triangle.    
It may be perfect behind the closed door, but when you step out in to the public eye things change. How will each of them handle the gossip, and jealously?
This was book three in the university Branton series but can be read as a standalone.  

I take a deep breath and open the door to the hotel room. Asher's got the TV on, muted, and he sprawls across the bed. His eyes are closed, his chest rising in a steady rhythm. I pause in the doorway and smile, staring at him. Luca crowds against my back, carrying a few bags with clothes and some toiletries. Most of our purchases are still in the car downstairs.
"That's a damn pretty picture," Luca murmurs near my ear.
"Quit drooling," I tease. "Get packed."
He drops a kiss on the curve of my neck and steps away, pulling out the beat up duffle bag I've seen him carry everywhere since I moved in with him.
I tune him out as I crawl onto the bed, straddling Asher's prone form. I lean down slightly, brushing a butterfly soft kiss over his lips. Ash stirs, a tiny bit, and I apply a hint of pressure against his lips. He groans, a low, deep noise that sets my blood on fire, and his hands come up, clenching on my hips, hard. I will have bruises, tomorrow. As he deepens the kiss, his tongue darting out and delving past my lips, I find I don't care. I don't care about anything but him kissing me.
Silence fills the room, the only sound the brush of cloth and lips and the soft sigh I can't help but release, as his lips leave mine, traveling down, following the slope of my neck until he hits the top of my t-shirt. He growls and jerks at my shirt, his hands sliding under and up. I moan, arching into the caress, and Luca clears his throat.
Blinking slowly, I sit up. I know what I look like, my hair a mess, my lips full and pout, my nipples pressing against the thin shirt material.
"Don't rip her clothes, dude. We need to get out of here today, and I'm not going shopping again."
Despite the bracing words, he's smiling. I stick my tongue out, and go up on my knees, swinging off Asher with a deliberate little wiggle. "He's right, unfortunately. Get dressed, Knox. We need to hit the road."
Asher props himself up on an elbow. "Where are we going?"
I smirk and lean back down to kiss him quickly. "Branton, babe."




Nazarea Andrews Bio:

Nazarea Andrews is an avid reader and tends to write the stories she wants to read. She loves chocolate and coffee almost as much as she loves books, but not quite as much as she loves her kids. She lives in south Georgia with her husband, daughters, and overgrown dog
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