Cover eEveal: Dragons Don't Cry by D'Elen McClain

Dragon's Don't Cry Cover  

One pint sized human female who’s had too much to drink, not enough sleep, and absolutely no patience meets one stubborn dragon shifter with an attitude.
Bastian claims Acasia, his unwilling bride, after she spends the night carousing with friends. She’s not happy, he’s pissed off, and with a curse from a goddess thrown in, you’ll see Bastian breathe fire.
Add secrets, treasure, and unimaginable heartbreak for an emotionally humorous read and discover why Dragons Don’t Cry.
Her thighs had closed slightly but I spread them open with mine. I placed the tip of my cock at her entrance. The trust on her face momentarily stopped me. I throbbed with need, longing to have her sheath my cock. Her silky wetness beckoned me.
“I am sorry Acasia.” My hips drove forward, breaking her ring of virginity in one long thrust.
Her scream held no pleasure. I stopped all movement once I’d seated myself fully inside her. “Breathe sweet lady.”
“It hurts.” I watched tears spill from her closed eyes rolling down her cheeks.
“For only a moment. Breathe.”
Her soft breaths pushed her breasts more fully against my chest. I gritted my teeth needing to move but denying myself for her. I licked the delicate path of her tears. Her eyes finally opened and she gave me a quivering smile.
“It is better now Bastian.”
“Then hold on because I can wait no longer.”
I tried going slow but her legs curled around my hips clenching me, driving me on. Magic built inside centering in my balls. I hoped she was ready for the orgasm of a dragon because I couldn’t hold back.
“Come with me Acasia,” I shouted as the magic exploded.
There was not another magical creature in any realm who released like dragons. The light consumed my body, then hers and finally a red glow burst from us. It was magical electricity, a shock to our systems that only two dragons mating could supersede. I knew what to expect but still the power stunned me.
I roared.
Delen McClain 2
D’Elen McClain is the bestselling author of the Fang Chronicles where werewolves and vampires battle for supremacy. She loves paranormal romance, her two dogs, and one husband of over thirty years. Throw in some coffee and chocolate along with her laptop and it’s the perfect time to write. You can also enjoy her spicier romances under the pen name Holly S. Roberts.
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