Blog Tour: Igniting The Wild Sparks by Ren Alexander

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Publication Date: April 22, 2014
In the second follow up to “Chasing the Wild Sparks,” Hadley Beckett comes closer to triumphing over a reluctant Finn Wilder…
What would you do if the love of your life gave you the keys to the kingdom, but won’t let you in? At the end of her rope, Hadley grabs her intrepid boyfriend Finn Wilder’s world by the…bridge. Finally ready to end the never-ending merry-go-round that is their unknotted life together, she enlists the help of her friends to help boost her own courage. Since Finn is all about walking on the wild side but not down an aisle, Hadley challenges him to the ultimate test that will prove her more daring than the daredevil himself, hoping Finn will take notice and change his mind about making her forever his. Throwing down the irrevocable gauntlet, will Hadley celebrate supreme victory over his heart or will she accept the cruelest defeat at the very hand she holds?


Desiree’s 5 Star Review

This is an exceptionally written book. This book, just like the two before it, suck you in and make you feel every emotion they do. This series has caused me tears, laughter, pain, joy, and a deep frustration. I have never read a book before that has caused me to become so emotionally invested, let alone three books. You know an author knows what they are doing when you become so involved you are yelling, crying, and laughing out loud.

Hadley Beckett has wanted only one thing since she met Finn Wilder. To have her own family with him. The average woman does expect a relationship to progress into a marriage and usually with children. Hadley is definitely not and exception to this. She is madly in love with her Sparks and only wants the honor of being his wife and giving him children.

Finn Wilder has been emotionally scarred from the divorces all around him since his early childhood. After watching marriage after marriage fall apart and ruin the lives of so many, he has drawn the conclusion that it has to be that damn piece of paper that signifies permanence yet rips them apart instead. He loves Hadley with every breath he takes but he can't make himself marry her. He knows it will end them. So how is he supposed to keep her happy if he can't give her the two main things she wants out of life?

As Hadley and Finn continue to fight their way towards each other, outside intrusions are working just as hard to keep them from one another. Will either of them be able to concede and their points and find away to make them both happy? Will Hadley get her wedding and baby? Or will Finn get his woman without his preconceived curse of marriage? Only one way to find out where Hadley and Finn will stand by the end of Igniting the Wild Sparks, grab a copy and join our friends for their journey. I am personally looking out for more from this author.

Rachel's 5 Star Review

**fidgety feet and fingers, like I'm on Crack, waiting for my next fix** OMFG!!! Ren Alexander, I CAN NOT believe you did this to me AGAIN! I had to create a new shelf for this book! Damn It.. I had to freaking HIDE from my kids, who will SO make fun of me as tears are streaming down my face in a major UGLY CRY! GAH.... That's all I can say...well, that and I HATE MORGAN!

I received a free copy of this book for an honest opinion and a review...

Igniting the Wild Sparks is yet another fanfuckingtastic book by Ren Alexander in her Wild Sparks series. I cannot say enough about how awesomely wonderful these books are..
Igniting picks up where Daring ends, so if you haven't read Chasing and Daring the Wild Sparks, please stop here and start at the beginning. Okay, never mind, because I just decided, I'm not giving you and bits n pieces of this story, it's a must read and you really can't understand just from a synopsis, excerpt, or any of the other stuff. You just HAVE to read it for yourself. This book is SO full of emotion, much like her others, you are so completely engaged, you literally lose HOURS of time. Seriously, I got home from work at 2:30 and I just finished the book, it's 5:00. I sat out on the porch reading (I was at 74% when I started) when I should have been cleaning, cooking, all that fun stuff for our Easter Dinner tomorrow, but NO! I spent 2 1/2 hours outside, balling my freaking eyes out because I LOVE FINN WILDER, Hadley is a flippin crazy ass chick who "waffles" just as much as Finn, if not more, and I HATE MORGAN!!!! and now I have to wait, god knows how freakin' long, to continue this story...and I'm SO completely hoping this isn't the end cuz if it is I WILL GO CRAZY ASS GIRL one Ren Alexander! God, I still just CAN'T believe I've finished and still, I can't let it go! I mean really, so many series are just 3 books, I was so looking forward to the end, figuring out what's really in store for Finn and Hadley, and then this...GAH! I wondered where Ren would go after this book...if she would continue on with a book about Rod, or go with a totally different grouping of people, but NO! That's what I get for getting ahead of myself...uhhh I am just as heartbroken as Finn and Hadley. Hopefully we won't have long to wait. Please, Please, Oh Pretty Please, don't make me wait long.


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Chasing The Wild Sparks (Book 1)



What would you do if the love of your life doesn’t want the same life you do? Hadley Beckett has failed in not only her career, but as a daughter, friend, and girlfriend. Hadley’s longtime boyfriend, Finn Wilder, who is Richmond, Virginia’s local daredevil and favorite sportscaster, isn’t afraid of anything…almost. Hadley desperately wants a marriage and kids with him, the two things Finn infamously dreads. Finn pressures Hadley into moving in with him, but being traditional, she wants to be married first and she wants to stick to her beliefs, just as he clings to his own. On the other hand, Finn has tolerated Hadley’s stubbornness long enough and he’s reaching his breaking point. Fearing at 33 that she will soon be too old to have kids, Hadley wants Finn to change his mind and marry her, yet her insecurities about his public life and from his constant rebuffs have her questioning her aspirations. With conflicting advice from her friends, Hadley concludes she should take things into her own hands. But then again, Finn Wilder has his own story to tell.


Daring the Wild Sparks (Book 2)



In the follow up to “Chasing the Wild Sparks,” Hadley Beckett’s quest for wedded bliss perseveres… What would you do if the love of your life were closer to making your dreams come true? Riding high in her relationship with her sportscaster/local daredevil boyfriend Finn Wilder, Hadley Beckett makes plans concerning her future with Finn. Big plans. Infamously anti-marriage, Finn promised Hadley he’d consider taking her to the altar if she gives him more time. Diving headfirst and with encouragement from friends, Hadley formulates her own way to handle Finn if he can’t commit to her soon. Knowing she has an uphill climb ahead of her, Hadley is still determined to succeed, yet is she unwittingly destined to fail?


20 Fun Facts About Ren Alexander

1. My favorite ice cream is chocolate/peanut butter, but I don’t do the kind with the cups in it.
2. The smell of peaches, cucumbers, and Easter lilies make me viciously gag. I can’t even walk through a produce aisle without breathing out of my mouth or holding my breath when I’m around them. Peaches are especially smelly there.
3. Watermelon, banana, and peach candy flavors are GROSS.
4. I LOVE lighthouses!
5. I’m a huge history buff. I could watch the History Channel all day when they’re showing actual shows about history.
6. I’m right-handed, but can only drive with my left hand. If I drove with my right, I would drive into a tree or off a cliff.
7. I’ve only owned two cars, both Toyotas. The first, I had for 10 years.
8. I can type 65-70 WPM, depending on my mood and what I’m typing.
9. I’m addicted to Diet Mt. Dew ever since they changed the flavor about five years ago.
10. I can’t stomp on bugs. I will hurl.
11. Mushrooms are the devil.
12. I developed asthma when I was 27.
13. I have a B.S. in criminal justice.
14. When I write, I can’t write scenes out of order. It drives me insane. I have to be driven to that point in order to express the characters’ emotions to my full capacity. It’s not organic to me.
15. I’m a music geek. If someone wants to know who sings what, my friends ask me from 50′s music and on.
16. I LOVE to laugh, but hate my laugh. Hmm…
17. I love plaid! If I could dress like a grunge chick or resembling an old man on a golf course everyday, I probably would.
18. I am VERY camera shy. You won’t find me in many pictures.
19. Each person I’ve dedicated my books to (two so far) have made it into my story as a character. Which ones are they? Hmm…
20. I have one tattoo. A skeleton key with an “R” at the top.
Ren Alexander was born in Wheeling, West Virginia, but grew up in a nearby tiny, historical, college town in the Northern Panhandle of the state. She graduated from West Liberty University, where she received a B.S. in criminal justice. Although interested in that field, her true passion was reading and writing.
She currently lives in Detroit, Michigan with her husband, two daughters and two cats. "Chasing the Wild Sparks" is Ren's first novel.
