Promo Tour: Redemption by Julie Morgan


Lisa's choice has been made. She's living her dream and couldn't be happier. Then as news comes to shed light on her happily ever after, a series of events are set in motion. Some want to claim what is rightfully theirs, others want to mold it in a positive light.

Alex feels the demon inside of him growing stronger, day by day. Will he be strong enough to keep it at bay, or will he lose himself to the darkness? A new demon comes into Alex and Lisa's life who seems to have every intention of destroying them, but do they know what their intentions truly are? 

Lisa will discover who is an ally and who is the enemy, but will she discover it in time to save Alex from his own self destruction? When she finally understands what's happening to her, will she lose herself and everyone she loves or will she seek redemption and accept what she has become?

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"Suddenly everything comes to a stop. She looks around their surroundings and her eyes try to focus, finding nothing but blackness. A soft light appears in front of her. It begins to grow and pushes outward, claiming the darkness surrounding it. It continues to widen until light from the field begins to pour inside, illuminating Lisa and her surroundings. Her eyes peer through the portal and it's as if she were looking through water. The image is distorted and continues to move like a constant wake in still waters. She sees Gorgon to her right and she looks over, watching the demon next to her. Lisa's eyes trail down the demon's body then slowly, back up. You fuck this up, I will kill you.

Gorgon raises her brows, turning her body towards Lisa. She says, I'd like to see you try. She crosses her arms over her chest and glances back towards the portal doorway. But before you go down that route, we need to set a plan for how we'll do this. I can give you an idea of what we'll be facing, but honestly, I have no idea. I don't know the numbers of what you'll be up against. She lowers her gaze; then looks up slowly to Lisa. For what it's worth, I am sorry. And your son.

Lisa cuts her off. What I'll be up against? No, I don't think so. You are part of this too. And don't pretend to know anything about my son.

Gorgon simply nods and looks back out the portal. You're right. I am part of this. And all I was going to say is he's amazing. She lets it go. She furrows brows, steps forward, and looks through the distorted water. Demons and angels chase one another, fighting, swords clash and power is sent across the field. Bright colors of the many auras light up on the field like lightning strikes. Gorgon tries to focus on one of the images that is taking on an attack stance. Lisa?

Yeah, I see it. Lisa steps forward. The image is still muddled by the waves but she can make out Alex. He stalks forward in a stance of attack. Lisa looks at who he's pursuing and she gasps when she realizes it's Michael. Quickly, she looks back at Alex sees another man at his side. Her eyes widen in shock. What the Hell? Is that Samuel? Michael continues his backtracking and waves something long and shiny over his head. She begins to step out and Gorgon grabs her arm, stopping her.

Samuel is very strong. If he's already taken Alex's light
He has. Lisa looks at the demon. I know you knew he'd do this. I know you were his accomplice. And I also know you grew a conscience around us and turned yourself in.

What? Gorgon blinks; taken aback. How What She bites back the words she wants to say, she helped orchestrate this, she killed off the demon Xander, she killed off Mariah when her human was annoying her. Instead, she keeps her thoughts to herself.

You know exactly how I know. She looks at the demon and raises a single brow, daring her to object.
Alright. is all Gorgon says, then she looks back out at the field. Then let me go first. I can be a diversion, for you to get to Alex and get out of here.

No. Lisa pulls her arm free from Gorgon. Let me. They'll never see me coming. She turns back to Gorgon. I still hate what you are, but what you did? Obviously I forgive you. As for you willingly volunteering to protect my son thank you.

Gorgon blinks at her, not sure what to say. Instead, she nods slightly, then they both look towards the field. I promise I'll have your back. No matter what. Lisa keeps her eyes on the fighting in the field and nods.

You better, she tells the demon. Michael stumbles over a tree root and falls back on his ass. The two demons sneer down at him and Alex is about to lunge. Lisa and Gorgon step forward and as Lisa is about to step through to make herself known, Samuel sneers and holds an orb of golden light in front of him. She pauses long enough to realize this is Alex's soul. Her eyes widen as he brings up his free hand, holding a dagger. She shifts her gaze and watches Alex prepare to jump on Michael. Moving on instinct, she barrels out of the portal. Lisa pushes her hands out in front of her and a bright, purple light explodes from her as she screams, NO!!!!"

Be sure to check out book 1 of the series before reading Redemption!

Fallen - Book One in the Chronicles of the Fallen

Lisa Adams wants what every other woman wants: The perfect job. The perfect home. The perfect guy. When she receives the opportunity of a lifetime, Lisa has no idea what she’s actually signed up for. Her boss, who is tall, dark and incredibly sexy, starts making advances towards her and she’s having a hard time telling him no. Lisa begins seeing things that are scaring the Hell out of her. Nightmares are leaving her frightened.

Then there’s this new guy that’s come into her life. He brings a new light into the darkness that threatens to claim Lisa. He’s mysterious, heartwarming and kind. Not to mention the most beautiful man she’s ever met. But something with him seems to be off.

Faced with love, seduction, sacrifice and deceit, Lisa will find herself being pulled in two directions; one pursues her to claim her soul and the other will sacrifice everything to save her.

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And add Book Three of the series, Atonement to your Goodreads list!  
Releases May 13th!

Hailing from Burleson, Texas and growing up in the country with big tractors and bon fire parties, I would day dream about far off lands, hoping to one day get inside their worlds.

Always having a love of books and paranormal stories, I finally took the leap to begin writing with encouragement from my husband. Having worked in IT my entire career and finding my way to Central Florida, I spend free time writing new stories, putting together puzzles with my daughter or reading her children's stories.

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