Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway: Contractually Yours by Connie Coc


Broken vows...

Wedding planner Caroline Duplessis sinks all her hopes, dreams and finances for the future success of her budding company Weddings Divine into the event of the year. 

But when Brandon D’Estrahan’s intended leaves him at the altar, she also leaves Caroline holding enough debt that her fledgling company is on the edge of bankruptcy. And the second mortgage her parents took out on their home will leave them homeless.

So when the groom, who needs an arm ornament and hostess to further his business connections, proposes a way out, Caroline sees no other option but to take it.

Marriage to him for one year and she will walk away with financial security. But will their marriage last the year? 

Or, like his former fiancee’, will she find the need to leave him, too?

Who knew walking into a meeting to retrieve the money you thought you were out would change the next 6 month of your life.

Caroline and Brandon's marriage is perfect on paper but when feelings get involved things change. Will they make it to the end of the marriage contract.

Caroline knows what's she wants and tries to  make Brandon happy and still keep her business going. She wants to get to know the real Brandon .

Brandon finds himself wanting to come home know and want to know the little thing about Caroline
But Brandon has a past and will that past hinder there future.

 I enjoyed this book, overall a great quick read. I did feel it was a little rushed at the end. I did enjoy the secondary character's in the book.  

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“The wedding is off,” Brandon D’Estrehan announced as dispassionately as if he were ordering a cup of coffee. “My apologies for the inconvenience.”

For the hundredth time in two days, Caroline Duplessis pushed Replay on the DVD player to study the video of the world’s most respected and feared international corporate raider calling off his wedding from the altar rail.

The wedding photographer in the vestibule had picked up his deep baritone clearly in the huge St. Louis Cathedral in the heart of New Orleans’ French Quarter. D’Estrehan had looked over the diamond-bedecked crowd as stoic as if his face were chiseled from the same stone his heart must have been carved from.

Caroline zoomed in to study his eyes. No blink. No flicker. Nothing but black irises in dark brown pupils staring out over the distinguished well-wishers.

Ruthless. They had called him cold-blooded and ruthless as they filed out of the church.

Caroline just called him dream killer.



Books have always been Connie Cox’s passion. Many thanks to her mom for that! Connie used to think authors were sophisticated creatures who lived in NYC, went to glitzy parties and wrote as the muse dictated. Then she met one. The writer looked a lot like her-jeans, a few extra pounds, a love of books and a quirky imagination.

Connie’s newfound love for running is taking care of the extra pounds. Her fascination with Jungian psychology takes care of her story lines. And her innate wild imagination does the rest.

People fascinate Connie, especially people who fall in love. Writing romance novels gives Connie the freedom (a lot of freedom!)to explore the chemistry that brings lovers together. It’s an exploration Connie takes seriously as she looks into that sexual spark that turns two singles into a couple. Her story people really have to work hard for that coupling as she sends her characters on a journey of discovery both within themselves and in each other. But the happily ever after makes the journey worth it. And there are often a few laughs along the way.

So why does Connie write? Because, now that she’s discovered the magic of letting loose the people in her imagination, she’s impossible to be around if she doesn’t let them have their way!

With many thanks for the encouragement of that first writer and many who have followed behind her, Connie now lives the dream, writing big stories from her little desk in her little Louisiana town. Even as you read this, she is working on a new story and living her own happily ever after.

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