Cover Reveal: Goodbye Uncertainty by Jacquelyn Ayres

Book: Goodbye Uncertainty
Author: Jacquelyn Ayres
Genre: Erotica Romance
BECCA Campbell was lost for seven years, until an unexpected person from her past came back into her life and unveiled the truth.  This truth has set her free. "If only it were that easy." Knowing what she now knows, Becca must come to grips with reality. She has to fight for the man she loves. The man she is meant to be with. Becca, very sure of her path, needs to get him to say goodbye to uncertainty. What happens, though, when uncertainty with her is all he’s ever known?

I am a Domestic Engineer (born and raised in NJ) whose sole responsibility is to guide three young impressionable kids into becoming phenomenal adults. This challenging, yet rewarding work requires a lot of love (coffee), patience (wine) and determination (periodic exorcisms). I work all of this magic in the beautiful state of New Hampshire. Before becoming a Domestic Goddess (not really), I spent over a decade working in the medical field where I wore more hats than the Queen. I have had a love for the written word and the great escape it provides since I was a little girl. When I wasn't reading about people and the places they lived, I was creating my own characters and adventures. Finally, I have been putting a pen to paper allowing my characters to come to life. When I don't have a pen and paper in hand, you can often find me laughing at the conversations my characters are having in my head.


