Cover Reveal: Who I Was by Kasidy Blake

Who I Was

Release Date 8/21/2014


Lillian Jacobson was a very happy four year old. She had two loving parents and an older brother who put all other brothers to shame. 

Everything changed one horrible night when her entire world was savagely torn apart. Her parents were brutally murdered in front of her eyes and she was left with a bullet wound in her shoulder as a constant reminder of the tragedy. Now she and her brother are living their lives in constant fear; every day a fight for survival.

After years of relative safety under witness protection, their situation turns from bad to worse. Betrayed by a man who swore to protect them, her brother is taken by the same people who ended her parents lives years before. She is moved to a secure location under the protection of two agents, but a complication arises that she never saw coming. She begins to fall for both men, who are also falling for her. When a letter arrives bearing the ultimatum, “Surrender yourself or your brother dies,” she must find a way to suppress her desires or she may never see her brother alive again.

About Kasidy:

Kasidy is married with two wonderful children.  Her family is very supportive and she knows she wouldn’t be doing this without them. She fell in love with reading and couldn’t put books down.  That was when her characters started talking to her and now she can’t help but write their story or they will never give her peace! Who I Was is her debut Novel.

Stalk Kasidy:

