Release Day Launch, Review & Giveaway: Surrounded by SC Ellington

Surrounded  A Novel by SC Ellington
Unsettled Romance Series #2 Releases 5th August 2014

We are celebrating this fab new release with some partying!!!! Come join in the fun and make this release a fabulous one for Author SC Ellington! 
INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! The more the merrier. 
Surrounded Release Party 6th August

The road to happiness is paved with twists and turns, hills and valleys, smooth pavement and rocky roads.  Never is more true than for Brooklyn and Logan as their journey continues in Surrounded.  When we last left the assistant and the executive, Brooklyn had just found out that Logan's "friend", Elizabeth, was pregnant and the rumor was that Logan was the daddy.  As Brooklyn tries to wrap her head around this new bit of information and figure out her next step, she accepts a call from her very persistent, first love Damon.

In Surrounded, Brooklyn and Logan navigate the choppy waters of love.  Between issues arising at work due to the non-fraternization policy, the presences of the exes, Logan's guilt over the car accident that claimed the lives of his beloved grandparents and his brother's mobility and of course trust and communication issues, Brooklyn and Logan have their work cut out for them.  

I felt the books should have been drafted into one book.  While I don't think any of the plot points were extraneous, I believe it would have been more solid as a single book.  I didn't see the need in the overlap between the books   In addition, I didn't feel any real connection to the characters or the storyline.  Logan and Brooklyn were nice enough characters, their love true, feelings real and believable.  But there was nothing that grabbed at my gut and made me say OMG (come on, we've all had those book moments).  However, I adored the supporting characters (do ya notice a theme with my reviews??? LOL).   Brooklyn's roommates, Alex and Jay and her sister Danielle were both hilarious and sweet.  

Surrounded gets 3.5 stars from me!


Everything was falling into place. Even amongst all the chaos of Washington D.C., Brooklyn and Logan found each other.
Brooklyn never expected Logan...and as it always seems to happen with her...things fell apart. She has been through this before...was she strong enough to do it again?
On the outside, Logan was the epitome of wealth and confidence. Many knew his name but few knew his secrets. He never expected Brooklyn...but now she's walked away. He knew what they shared mattered to her...and she...she mattered to him more.
S.C. Ellington is an up and coming author who enjoys expressing her creativity through frequently writing adult, contemporary romance novels that readers can relate to, but more importantly, enjoy.
Aside from writing, Ellington enjoys curling up with her e-reader and absorbing herself in novels loaded with emotion, desire, and passion. She also likes to spend sunny, wistful afternoons, in her hammock thinking up new ideas for great stories. Her debut novel, Unsettled was generated while consuming her favourite snacks - hot chocolate and popcorn
Ellington currently resides on the west coast with her beautiful Keurig, family and loving friends.

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Unsettled (book #1) is on Sale
After a horrific breakup with her long-time boyfriend, Brooklyn Caldwell is completely disenchanted with the notion of mingling with the opposite sex. Damon Williams had been everything she thought she wanted…until he wasn’t. In an attempt to escape her heartbreaking past, Brooklyn seeks refuge in bustling Washington DC where she folds into the fast paced society unnoticed…until she meets a young entrepreneur, Logan Colton. Brooklyn is surprised to find that while she has been successful in keeping the opposite sex at bay, somehow she is defenceless against Logan’s confidence and charm—and it doesn’t hurt that he is absurdly beautiful. While thrilled with Logan’s candour, Brooklyn hesitates, as she can’t seem to move past the heartache that she suffered at the hands of Damon. As much as Logan didn’t plan on pursuing her, he is drawn to Brooklyn’s muted beauty and her witty persona. For all his success, Logan is ensnared in the coveted world of unequivocal wealth and power, but behind closed doors is taunted by demons and an undeniable need to atone for a monumental mistake. As the two embark on a tumultuous obstacle course saturated with unknown twists and turns, Brooklyn is left to question whether she can endure the journey ahead.

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