Release Day Launch & Giveawy: Wild Girls Rule by Rosalie Lario

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Wild Girls Rule by Rosalie Lario Everly Brothers #1 Publication Date: September 29, 2014 Genres: Contemporary, Romance
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Wild Girls Rule Cover


Wild girls get what they want… After moving to New York City, Hailey Thompson lands a job as the assistant to her older brother’s best friend - and her childhood crush - Andrew Everly. Seeing Andrew again both thrills and terrifies her. The lighthearted boy she remembers has grown into an impossibly handsome man, but he’s also become a cold and ruthless businessman. When Andrew agrees to hire Hailey as a favor to his childhood friend, he still thinks of her as the fresh-faced girl that he knew growing up. On the contrary, she’s all woman. Temptation in a short skirt. As alluring as she is though, the little beauty is far too flighty for a man like him…not to mention that he’s her boss. As Andrew secretly struggles with his self-control, Hailey does everything in her power to crack his rigid façade. After being forced to spend a weekend away together on business, Andrew’s rigorously sculpted mask of discipline begins to slip, and Hailey gladly takes advantage of the opportunity to educate him in the ways of seduction. He can claim all he wants that he likes his women elegant and controlled, but Hailey knows a dirty little secret…when it comes to matters of the heart, wild girls rule.


Lord, he was so beautiful. So unapproachable. And while she hated to do this now, when it could very well scare him away, it was eating at her and she had to let it out. Should we talk about what happened back in Atlantic City?

His shoulders stiffened, but he squared his shoulders and turned to look at her straight on. I owe you an apology for the way I treated you, Hailey. I justfreaked out, I suppose. Ive never been involved with an employee before.

Involved, she said carefully. What do you mean by that?

Andrew sighed and momentarily tilted his head back. I think youre an amazing woman, but Im going to level with you. Im not looking for anything serious or long-term.

His words caused a little pinch in her heart, but that was stupid. Shed already told him the same thing.

Dont be crazy, Hails.

This wasnt about love or romance. It was about great sex. She needed to remember that.

She could handle that.

Im not looking for more, either. Then, because it needed to be said, she asked, What are you looking for, Andrew?

I dont know, I…” He sighed, his gaze washing over her. Drinking her in with an intensity that sent a shiver of sinful longing down her spine.

I just know I want you, he finished on a whisper.

Oh, god. Those six little words washed over her, making her as wet as if hed stroked his fingers between her thighs. Or his tongue.

If she had her way, hed be doing both before the day was through.

Putting all her pent-up lust into her next words, she croaked, Then take me.

Her husky words broke the invisible barrier keeping them apart. He strode forward, reaching her in a few short steps.

Dragging her to him, he closed his hands around her ass and lifted her so her legs wrapped around his waist. Their mouths found each other, tongues tangling wildly as if battling for dominance.

This was one fight they were both going to win.

Through her haze of lust and passion she barely noted him moving around. Colliding with the coffee table, then gliding past the couch. Her back hit the wall hard, and then, thank the heavens, he was pressed to her front.

His warm hands slid her dress up her thighs while his hips pumped intimately against hers.

Oh god, that feels so good, she panted.

Yeah? His teeth scraped the sensitive skin on her neck. Do you know how fucking crazy youve driven me this past week?

I can guess. Her fingers tangled in his hair. As crazy as youve made me.

A rumbling sound came from his throat. Those short skirts you wear. The way you bend over when youre standing near my desk…”

What about it? she whispered.

He bit down lightly on her collarbone. You do that on purpose, dont you?

Yes, she gasped without thinking.

He let out a hoarse chuckle. I thought so. How do you think I should repay you for all that torture?



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About the Author

Rosalie Lario Rosalie Lario is the author of the contemporary romance series, THE EVERLY BROTHERS, as well as the paranormal romance series, DEMONS OF INFERNUM and THE FALLEN WARRIORS. Rosalie double majored in Anthropology and Classics as an undergraduate student, and briefly considered becoming an archaeologist before realizing they don't actually live the life of Indiana Jones. So what was a classical geek armed with a lot of useless knowledge to do? Become a lawyer, of course! After attending law school in Florida, she practiced real estate law for several years before finally admitting to herself that negotiating contracts wasn't nearly as fun as dreaming up stories. When not writing, you can find her on a boat somewhere along South Florida's waterways, chasing down a rainbow or pretending to be a pirate.
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