Blog Tour, Review: Little Things by Madison Street

Title: Little Things (Second Chances #1)
Author: Madison Street
Release Date: June 2, 2014
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Everything in Duke Grayson’s life was all he could ever ask for: A loving family, loyal friends, a beautiful girlfriend, and a scholarship to his top choice college. It’s his senior year of high school, and all he needs is to focus on his grades, lacrosse, and keeping his girlfriend happy. That is until Raya walks into his life. From the moment they meet, Duke is drawn to her, not only for her natural beauty and her stunning crystal blue eyes, but because he’s aware there’s more to this girl than just his alluring pull to her. He senses secrecy and fear. 
Throughout the year, their bond grows stronger, and his feelings for her become undeniable. Just when he is about to express his love, tragedy strikes and Raya disappears.
For six years, Duke is tortured by his struggles, as he’s unable to find her and blames himself for failing to protect her. Until the day, she’s found, and he’s given a second chance. Will Duke become her beacon of hope and make her see that it’s the little things that make life worthwhile? Can Raya overcome her fears and fight against the terrors that haunt her? Or will her dark and torturous past be too much for her to battle against?
*Warning: This book contains some disturbing situations, strong language and sexual content. Suited for 18 years and over.*


I loved this book.  One reason I love it is because we as people never stop and look at what others are going through.  We think our problems are always bigger.  But the thing is it’s always somebody that has bigger problems then your.  The Characters in the book realized that.  They took notice in thing other then themselves.  What makes it so amazing it was a bunch of high school kids that notices. 


This book was intensely emotional, raw, dark, and gritty. And boy do I love this kind of read. It started out kind of slow but once you got going you didn’t want to put it down.  We had to get the whole back-story and understand the dynamics of the friendships, so my advice when you hit this point, Don’t Stop Reading. The story line will change and it will feel like a train hit you. I did not expect what happened to happen. I loved being caught by surprise.


I loved Raya from the get go. She was such a strong and determined girl to do anything to save her mother. The things she went through were horrible and I felt so bad for her. But then you have Duke... oh he was such a sweetheart!! He never gave up on her for years he searched and the love he had for her was beautiful. This is definitely a must read book. It will open your eyes to second chances. I will not give up any spoiler.  You have to read this book, you must read this book.  It will be one the best books your ever read. If you are a fan of  HEA you will get one in this book.  I gave this book a whooping 4.5 stars with love. 

I hear a whisper come up from behind me, “So, how’s your first party?” I know that voice anywhere. I turn around to find Duke smiling at me.
“It’s great! I’m having so much fun!”
“I’m glad. You’ve danced with Taylor all night. Usually he doesn’t dance at parties, so that was surprising.”
I glance towards Taylor who’s across the room, talking to Adam. “Oh well. He’s a good dance partner.”
“Wanna bet?” Duke grabs my hand and leads me onto the dance floor just in time for a new song to start. The speakers start to play “Timber” by Pitbull and the crowd goes wild as people begin to flood the dance area. My heart literally stops beating and I swear I can’t even breathe, I’m so freaking nervous. I notice that my hand fits so perfectly in Duke’s hand.
The crowd is so packed together that Duke and I are forced to dance closely; maybe a little too close. As the song starts, he sings the lyrics and we begin to groove to the music.
I laugh out loud and raise my hands above my head and sing along with him. The crowd is compact and everyone’s bodies continuously bump into one another. Duke looks at me and places his hand on my lower back. A shocking jolt of electricity flows through his touch and my eyes widen. He immediately removes his hand from my back and instead keeps his hand by his side. I can still feel the heat flow, where his hand was placed, and I miss it being there. We continue dancing as I give him a reassuring smile. He winks and continues to sing and twirls me around.
I bob my head to the beat and shake my body with every fiber I have. As we dance together, I no longer pay attention to what’s around me. It’s as if Duke and I are the only ones dancing and as I stare at him, I get lost in the wonder of what could be. Someone from behind me pushes me forward and I fall against Duke’s strong and broad chest as he catches me. We stare into each other’s eyes for a brief moment before he breaks the contact and helps me stand on my own.
“You alright?”
I laugh nervously, “Yea sorry. Just crowded, that’s all.” 
The song ends and the crowd begins to clear leaving only a few stragglers. Duke looks at his watch. “It’s getting late. We should get going.”
“Ok. I have to use the restroom first.”
After I use the restroom, Duke finds Melanie among the crowd and we say our goodbyes. Taylor tells me he will call soon and he hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. As we pull up to my driveway, Melanie asks, “So, was it a night to remember?” I smile and catch Duke looking at me through the rearview mirror, “Yes, yes it was.”
Little Beginnings (Second Chances #1.5) - Find on Goodreads
After you took her from me, everything changed. I knew my life would never be the same, and it wasn't. But just because I was isolated, trapped, and afraid, I never gave up. I kept on fighting. You thought you could control me, but you were wrong. 
There’s one thing that you could never take from me; HOPE. And with that, I overcame the struggles and the despair. I battled against my inner demons and confronted the tortures that surrounded me. And here I am today; free. 
And now, it’s you that’s confined. You cannot escape; you cannot win. There’s no one to help you now. Everyone sees you for what you truly are; a monster. 
I’m not afraid of you anymore. I will start a new life; one that you cannot control. And as I take steps toward a new beginning, I won’t ever look back.
Madison Street was born in New York City and was raised in the Bronx, where she resided until she was 17 years old. After 9/11, Madison joined the United States Navy to serve her country. 
During the deployments, Madison constantly wrote short stories and she discovered her passion for writing. You will find Madison always on the computer, whether she's on Facebook, designing websites, messing with Photoshop, or writing for her blog.
Besides writing, her second passion is music and dance. Even though she's a terrible singer, she’ll still belt it out in the shower, especially if the song is her jam! She currently resides in Virginia with her husband of 8 years, 2 children, a dog, and a cat. She is so excited to start this amazing journey and is honored to be part of such a compassionate and loving community.

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