Release Blitz & Review: Sexual Awakenings by Angelica Chase

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Book Blitz ~ Sexual Awakenings Volume 1 The Waltz by Angelica Chase
Release Blitz- Oct. 31st- Nov. 7th


You know what they say… One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

After sacrificing years of my life on a cheating husband, I'd had enough. I set out to quench a thirst I had ignored for years. I gave myself one year to explore my sexuality—to delve into my deepest, darkest desires. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, I would have my sexual revolution. I would have my … awakening.

Unsure of where to start, I took a risk to make myself seen. Little did I know, the man who saw me would give me everything I ever wanted, one sweet orgasm at a time.
Diving into the world of both pleasure and pain, I was sure with Rhys I had found what I’d been missing … until he took it away.

Filthy Erotic Romance. For Mature Audiences only. Extremely Explicit Sex. Strong Language.

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YUM.  This was a hot and steamy read.  Violet listens to her husband talk to one of his mistresses over the phone from his home office.  Fed up, he's never home for dinner, tells her not to bother decorating the house for the holidays, and forget about any actual intimacy, not even a Fuck You in the hallway, She's had enough.  Violet reads sexy erotic romance with a dash of BDSM and freaking loves it, so she's decided to take her sexuality in hand and ventures into the online world, trying to find a place near her town where she can see if it's just the eroticism of the book or the actual BDSM itself that gets her all hot and bothered.
Down the rabbit hole she goes, taking that first step, she finds a club and and Blue Alice meets the MadHatter!  She makes an appointment to actually meet and it's the beginning of everything she's dreamed about.
Violet and Rhys start with an arrangement.  He is teaching her the basics, seeing what she does and doesn't like...One thing leads to another and they discover that they actually LIKE each other, as in Love Like, not just Friends with Benny's Like.  In the heat of the moment, Rhys is asking Violet if she's still living with her estranged husband, and even though she is and hasn't formally filed for divorce yet, she LIES and tells him no.  OOPS, the beginning of the end is in sight...
You have to read to see what transpires.  I hate leaving spoilers or synopsizing the book, so leave it so say that things get heated, but the end...oh yeah...RED..RED..RED...
Can't wait for the next installment!
4 Sexy Stars


When we were seated, he must have noticed my frown.

“What is it, Violet?” he asked, taking a tortilla chip from the bowl that had just been set down before us.

“Nothing,” I said, looking around the restaurant, none too pleased with the fact we weren’t dining in a classier place.

“Ah,” he said smirking. “You were expecting to be dined at a five star restaurant and fed buttered lobster from my fingers, is that it?”

“Well, not exactly,” I said, completely busted.

He opened his menu, trying to hide his deep smile, but I saw it.

“Okay, fine. Maybe I was hoping for something like that,” I said, picking up my menu.
“Uh huh,” he said, his chest moving with his chuckle.

“You’re doing it again, Rhys,” I said, my voice in a warning, “laughing at my expense.”
“You make it too easy.” He closed his menu and leaned over. “Sorry, but you have obviously read one too many erotica books.”

I crossed my arms and sat back, defiant. “So what? That’s what we women crave, to be worshiped and showered with gifts and adored while getting our brains f**ked out.”

He leaned over, closed my menu and looked directly at me, his stare hot and making me shift suddenly. “I intend to make you crave me after I worship, shower, adore your p**sy and fuck your brains out. But tonight, I’m in the mood for Mexican, okay, princess?”

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