Release Day Launch & Giveaway: Don't Let Go by Nona Raines

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Don't Let Go
by Nona Raines
Publication Date: November 5, 2014Genres: ContemporaryNovella, Romance
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Annalee wants a no-strings fling. Eric's all about the strings. Twelve years ago, when Eric Sorenson's date dumped him right before the Senior Prom, his older sister’s best friend stepped in to save him from total humiliation. He never forgot Annalee or what she did for him that night…or the kiss they shared. He wants Annalee, and if he has his way, they'll take up where they left off. And this time, he won't let go.
After a messy divorce, Annalee's not looking forward to her high school reunion. She's shocked when Eric appears at her door ready to return the favor and play escort. Gone is the inexperienced boy with a severe stutter—he's a striking, confident man. The memory of the kiss they shared rekindles an attraction that never died, and she's been on her own for a year. Isn't she entitled to kick loose and have a let's-go-crazy night?
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He slid closer until their bodies touched. Heat suffused her, and she grew lightheaded under the intensity of his stare. Her heart beat frantically with fear and excitement. What’s wrong with me? I want him, but it’s been so long.
“I, uh…” Her glance skittered toward the ballroom. “Do you think Dee and Thom are wondering where we’ve gone off to?” Damn it, Annalee. Stop being such a chicken.
“Don’t worry about them.” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. Flames raced through Annalee. Her nipples bunched. Dizzy now, she gripped his arm to steady herself. Eric held her close. He wouldn’t let her fall.
“Don’t run away from me, Annalee. This is the first time we’ve both been free, and we have too much unfinished business. We stopped at a kiss twelve years ago. Now’s our chance to make up for lost time.”
Her thoughts whirled while her body hummed with arousal. Her breath stopped as Eric lowered his face to hers. Their lips brushed, then clung.
She’d felt the breadth of his shoulders, the broadness of his chest while they were dancing. How large his hands were when they held her. Now, Eric’s masculine presence completely enveloped her. The boy she knew no longer existed. A grown man stood in his place. Instantly, her hesitation fled and desire roared to life.
She threw her arms around him and crushed herself to him. Lightning crackled down her spine and flared out to her breasts, her lips, the crux of her thighs. Even her fingers and toes. A whiff of lime from his aftershave tickled her nostrils. She opened her mouth to his insistent tongue, as hungry for him as he was for her. As their tongues caressed silkily, she tasted the smoky flavor of scotch.
When they broke the kiss, her softer parts ached, wanting him. She licked her lips, tender from his kiss. “Come home with me tonight. Will you? After the party?”
He laughed softly and lowered his head to kiss the side of her neck. “You mean I need to wait that long?”
Excitement zipped through her. “Anticipation will make it that much sweeter.”
He nodded thoughtfully. “All right.” The low timbre of his voice sent goose bumps prickling her skin. “If I can have a little something to tide me over.”
“All right.” She kissed him again, the aggressor this time, searching for his tongue and inviting it to duel with hers. Annalee was breathless when she pulled away. “Better?”
“Very nice,” he answered. “But I had something else in mind.” Shifting a bit, Eric kept his right arm around her while his left hand settled on her knee. “Something a little more daring.”

About the Author

Nona Raines
 Nona Raines is a former librarian who lives in upstate New York with her many pets. She’s currently working on her next novel between walking the dog and shooing the cats off the laptop. Her erotic romances are published with The Wild Rose Press and Loose Id. Her transgender romance His Kind of Woman was nominated for the 2014 DABWAHA sponsored by the Dear Author and Smart Bitches, Trashy Books review blogs. Her most recent work is the erotic romance novella Read to Me.
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