Promo Tour with Review and Giveaway LOST by Sarah Ann Walker

Title: Lost
Author: Sarah Ann Walker
Genre: Adult, Dark Romance
Release Date: October 31, 2014

Cover Designer: James Freeburg
My name is Sophie Morley, and this is my story of loss. 

I used to be mature, professional, and stable. I used to have friends and colleagues who respected me. I used to be someone I respected. I knew the life I wanted, and I lived within my forever plans. I was everything I thought I should be. 
Then I met the man of my dreams, and everything changed in me. Everything I was and everything I was to become changed with his love. And I've never regretted one single moment of the life we shared. 

My name is Sophie Morley, 
and I am lost.

Lost...I think it should have really been named FOUND...because really, that's what it was all about.
True Love was FOUND, Peter's Forever Love was FOUND, misery and true heartache for the first time was catch the drift I'm sure.
The first half of LOST was a little slow for me, but a couple chapters after the big break up, then it started getting really good, so don't give up on it.
The ending actually flitted through my mind about 75 percent through, but it was opposite of what really ended up happening..So I loved the fact that I didn't guess right ahead of time, that makes it SO much better.  Once I hit about 60 percent, I read non stop, there was so much angst and action going on.  I sat and read for a solid 3 hours, only getting up to refill my coffee!
The characters were Ok, not really as well rounded as I usually like, but in this case, it's gotta be that way for the storyline to really work.   And while LOST isn't full on sex, there are a few scenes that get their sexy on.  Peter was an amazing character.  I loved all the questions about his character, I liked the fact he was into herbs and not afraid of love like so many leading men are.  I found Sophie to be a little tedious, and I wanted to smack her a couple of times, but in the end it all kinda worked itself out.
I give this story 4 Stars and that's because it really kicked into gear and made me want to not quit reading.
"Kiss me Sophie like you mean it. Don't think, and don't talk. Be with me like we both need, and just kiss me," he breathed quietly.
And in that moment between us, after all the words and emotions, the starts and stops, the insecurities and fears, I knew our reality. I knew we were officially beginning the greatest love story of my life.
In that powerful, charged moment between us I knew without a doubt that I would love him forever.
So I kissed him.
"I have to go. I'm sorry. I love you, Sophie," he said as he kissed my head and quickly walked away from me.
"What? Why?!" I croaked through the sudden tightness in my throat.
"The way I feel about you ties me in knots and makes me afraid of everything. I'm afraid you'll leave me, and I'm afraid you'll be taken away. I know you love me and I feel the same, but I have to go now. I know something bad is going to happen to you if you stay."
When he took his coat from the closet and walked to the front door, he paused for only a second. One second in which I had had the perfect words. I wished I could have said something to make him stay. I wished I could have said something. But I was stuck in a spinning, shaking, shocked world of total disbelief.
And I had no words.

 Created by: Michelle Ryan
Sarah Ann Walker is a Scottish Canadian who was raised in Canada, where she attended McMaster University as an English major. In 2002 Sarah met and married her American husband and they chose to remain in Canada together where they raise their son.

In the summer of 2012, during a manic two week period Sarah was transformed into the main character of 'I am HER...' released November 2012. The sequel 'THIS is me...' followed in November 2013. In May 2014 Sarah released the dark 'My Dear Stranger', followed by LOST in November 2014.

Sarah can be found on Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter.



Unknown said…
Thank you for reviewing LOST.
Best wishes,
Sarah Walker