Blog Tour, Rachel's Review Quarterback Sneak by Bianca Dean

QuarterbackSneakTour Banner Quarterback Sneak by Bianca Dean Publication Date: 30 April 2014 Genres: Contemporary, Erotica, New Adult, Romance

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What happens when a chance encounter thrusts two very different people from very different backgrounds together? The school is going crazy with Celt Fever, and Alceo Russell is right in the middle of it. He’s on his way to leading his Division I football team to a national title, but something is missing, and to keep his head in the game, he needs to find it. Shy and timid Galynn Pierce is just trying to survive college. Always in the background and always unnoticed Galynn can’t fathom how her life is about to change.
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Wow..this was quite the sexy book. Gaylynn Pierce is a student in college. She's a little on the curvy side with a poor self image.
Alceo Russell is the ever popular quarterback of the winning school football team, slated to go pro, yet he's relatively unsatisfied with his life, but he doesn't really know what he's looking to change.
They happen upon each other, and Ceo remembers that he misses that little extra to grab. He thinks back to all the girls that throw themselves at him, wanting him for their own personal gain, and what he can do for them, how they are all skin and bones. Not Gaylynn. As he comes upon here out in the freezing rain, shivering, locked out of her car with her assignments in a puddle...he becomes that gallant boy all mothers strive for their sons to become.
So starts the relationship...and wow, it's freaking sexy. They are constantly into each other, all over each other, and I'll never look at movie night the same again.
A 4 star review, with an extra special sexy star for all the HOT n Steamy sex!  

About the Author

Bianca Dean Bianca Dean, author of Quarterback Sneak and Wanna Play? is a native of New Jersey now living in NYC. Working on her PhD, Bianca loves good food, great movies and stimulating conversation. She's a huge sports fan, and can be found, during the appropriate season, screaming at the television, beer in hand, trying to make people that can't hear her run faster. In the off-season she can be spotted walking her dog or grabbing dinner with friends.
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