Blog Tour & Review: Owning The Beast by Alexa Riley

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WLK synopsis
When Annabella Blanca finds herself on the doorstep of her new home, she is terrified, yet hopeful of what her new life will be.
Griffin Stone has locked himself away from the world. One minor mix-up, and all his carefully built walls come crashing down. When love finds its way in to even the darkest of hearts, will it be enough to stand the greatest tests? Can beauty own the beast? Warning: This book contains a scarred hero, a virgin bride, insta-love, and tons of sex.


Owning the Beast is the adult sexy version of Beauty and the Beast.
Annabella is twenty, has been sheltered her whole life, both of her parents are dead and she doesn't know what to do or how to really care for herself. Her fathers nurse told her about an agency that deals with mail order brides, so Annabella figures that is the way to go. So she contacts the agency, leaves Mexico for the United States and a man that requested a virgin bride.
Griffin Stone is a beast hidden away. Disfigured in an accident that took his parents from him when he was a child, he rarely leaves the house. So to fulfill his baser needs he contacts an agency that handles call girls. Well, you can guess what happens, and you'd be right...but can the beautiful Annabella tame the beast, help him become a man? And what about that twist near the end? The one you really didn't see coming? Ah yes. But...Annabella doesn't really want to tame the beast.
I give Owning the Beast 4 Stars.  
WLK excerpt
"Just once more, my Angel. Just one more quick fuck and I’ll concentrate on something other than getting inside of you."
Sliding my hands under her thighs, I lifted her and her legs automatically locked themselves around my waist. I love how trusting she was and her body was always so willing to accept me. Turning, I entered the first room we came across. Kicking the door shut behind me with my foot, I turned our bodies so that her back was up against the door. I pinned her against the door, using my hips to hold her there. My fingers ran up her neck and tangled in her hair, something I just couldn’t get enough of. I grabbed fistfuls of the dark waterfall and crushed my mouth against hers, wanting to taste her once more. Tonguing her mouth, I moved on to lick her earlobe, sucking it into my mouth, nibbling on it lightly. I continued to lick down her neck as she rubbed her whole body against mine like a cat in heat.
Reaching between us, I freed my throbbing cock. I smiled when I remembered she wasn’t wearing any panties at the moment and drove home in one slick, hard thrust. My sweet beauty let out a whimper.
"That's it, Bella. Take my cock. Fucking take what I give you."
Unleashing my inner beast, I fucked her sweet pussy hard and fast purely just for my pleasure. I pounded her luscious ass against the door, and relished in the loud thuds and wet slaps that echoed throughout the otherwise silent room.
"Perfect, Angel. So fucking tight. And so sweet. I can't get deep enough."
I drove into her harder and harder, trying to fit all of me inside her, to imprint myself onto her. My hands were roaming all over her sinful body. I cupped her breasts, loving how they filled and spilled over my palms, pinching her nipples through her dress, tugging firmly on her hair, before reaching down to squeeze her luscious ass. My sweet beauty was laid out, spread for me. She was giving me everything, her heart, her body, her soul. I could feel the power she was laying in my hands. But I needed more.
Grabbing ahold of her ass, I turned around while she was still impaled on my cock and knelt down, laying her on the plush carpet. Not pausing or slowing down my pounding, I reached down to rip open her dress and pull off her bra, baring her to me. I was a beast possessed, and I wanted her at my complete mercy.
"Griffin!" Annabella screamed, arching her back off the floor as her fingers immediately went to her nipples, pinching and tugging on the erect buds. She was as wild as I was at this moment. I tore my shirt off and pushed her hands out of the way. Laying my chest against her naked flesh, I thrust even harder and deeper into her warm, slick pussy. I had this overwhelming desire and urge to plant my seed deep inside her, to get her pregnant and round with my child.
"I want to get you pregnant right this second. I want to fill your pussy all the way to the brim with my cum and have my seed take root. I want to breed you and keep you by my side. Forever."

I’m Alexa Riley! Mom, wife, and business woman by day and smut writer by night. I specialize in the Dirty Date Night reading. I wrote my first book, Owning Her Innocence, because well, I just couldn’t find any daddy books to my liking. So I sat down and just started writing, bringing the fantasies I find myself often dancing to in the dark of night to life, one page at a time.
Alexa Riley is my alter ego. I can’t let the other soccer moms know what I’m up to or the guys at work for that matter. Little do they know that they’ve got nothing on my dirty talk.
I’m here to give you a quick fix of filthy dirty smut. Got a few hours to kill? Then I’m what you’re looking for.

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