Blog Tour: Uncover Me by CHelle Bliss
I lost track of my life.
Spiraling down the rabbit hole, I lost myself and became one of them. Living undercover within the MC, the days bled together as I became absorbed in a life of excess and violence.
Becoming consumed was easy.
Was I Thomas Gallo, good guy and respected cop or Blue, Sergeant-at-Arms of the Sun Devils MC?
Before, I could answer with certainty. But now, there’s a darkness that has settled deep in my soul, fusing with my heart and altering my reality forever.
The road I’ve traveled has been paved with danger, death, and deception.
Roxanne grew up as part of the MC, a victim of her birth. Her life has been treacherous, setting her on a course of torment and destruction.
When our worlds collide, secrets are revealed. Trying to save us from damnation, I fight for redemption and the woman I love.
I have been twitching to get my hands on the next book in the Men of Inked series, Uncover Me, by Chelle Bliss. This one focuses on Thomas, who we all know has been working under cover in a MC. It's taking longer than anyone initially thought and its causing a lot of issues for Thomas Gallo. First, he's missing his family something fierce. He's missed out on a lot of family events and milestones. For a family as close as the Gallos, you know that's gotta hurt. Second, as a high ranking member of the MC, he's had to do things that were not only against the law, but against his moral fiber. It's shaking Thomas up a bit. Third, Thomas has fallen in love. Enter Roxy....
Chelle Bliss is a freaking evil genius! The writer of pretty shit! Uncover Me was unbelievable! It was so bad ass that for hours after, the only word coming out of my mouth was the F - - - word. I can't even explain how much I loved this book and why. I don't want to give anything away. The best word I have to describe it is bad ass. All the Gallos are present and accounted for. There's hot, hot sex like only Chelle writes. The danger and drama kept me reading well past my bed time. My advice? Take 2 days with this one. One to read Uncover Me and the other to recover from it, pick your jaw up of the floor and form coherent sentences.
5 scorching hot stars from me.

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Do you like pierced and tatted ALPHAS? You need to read the Men of Inked series!
The Gallos (FREE) ~ Prequel:
Throttle Me (99 cents) ~ Book 1:
Hook Me ~ Book 2:
Throttled (99 cents)~ Book 3:
Resist Me ~ Book 4:
Resisting (99 cents) -
Uncover Me ~ Book 5:
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