Book Blitz: Just Let Me Love You by S.R. Grey












Book Description:


No one ever said a lasting love would be easy.

When Chase and Kay hit the streets of Las Vegas, the goal is simple—rescue Will, Chase’s brother, from making the biggest mistake of his young life. But keeping Will out of trouble turns out not to be the only obstacle in Chase and Kay’s path. Finding himself back in the city that broke him, Chase’s heartbreaking past threatens to derail all the progress he’s made.

However, Chase is determined not to let that happen.

While striving to help Will before he implodes, Chase seeks to come to terms with the things that almost destroyed him. He soon discovers that the answers to the most complicated questions sometimes lie in one’s own heart. You just have to be willing to dig deep enough to find them.

Can Chase succeed in doing that?

Just Let Me Love You is a story of healing, letting go, and trusting love to guide you. The conclusion of the Judge Me Not trilogy brings everything full circle.

New Adult Romance

*mature themes including explicit sex scenes and profanity*

Third and final novel in the Judge Me Not series/trilogy.
Title: Just Let Me Love You (Judge Me Not #3)


Author’s Name: S.R. Grey


Release date: January 15, 2015


Age Group: New Adult (recommended for readers 17+ due to mature content)


Genre: New Adult Romance/Coming of Age


Buy Links:






Barnes& Noble:



ITunes: Coming soon!



Goodreads link for Just Let Me Love You:




Buy links for the first two books in the Judge Me Not trilogy:


I Stand Before You (Judge Me Not #1):





Never Doubt Me (Judge Me Not #2):





I touch his lips, mouthing the word, “Soft.”
He smiles.
I laugh. 
Lowering my hand, I grasp his solid bicep. “Hard,” I nod and raise my eyebrows. “Actually very hard,” I add. “Impressive.”
This time, Chase laughs.  But he quiets when I skim my hand across his chest and stop at his heart. “Soft” I whisper, “so very soft.”
Chase grabs up my hand. “Kay…”
His eyes on mine say everything he does—or cannot—say.
“Go,” I tell him, turning away. “Go, before I try and stop you.”
I hear him sigh.
I hear him close the door.
And then he’s gone.
The outcome of this night is now in fate’s hands.  


Author Bio:


S.R. Grey is an Amazon Top 100 and Barnes & Noble Top 100 Bestselling author. She is the author of the popular Judge Me Not series, as well as the Inevitability duology and A Harbour Falls Mystery trilogy. Ms. Grey’s novels have appeared on Amazon and Barnes & Noble bestseller lists in multiple categories, including #1 on the Barnes & Noble Nook Bestsellers list last year.

New novels slated for 2015 release dates are Inevitable Circumstances (Inevitability #2), and a New Adult novel to be revealed in the future.

Ms. Grey resides in Pennsylvania. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree, as well as an MBA. Her background is in business, but her true passion lies in writing. When not writing, Ms. Grey can be found reading, traveling, running, or cheering for her hometown sports teams.





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