Release Day: Pure Punishment by TL Smith

Title: Pure Punishment
Author: T.L. Smith
Genre: Dark, Contemporary Romance
Stand Alone
Release Date: January 3, 2015
Intended for Mature Audiences 18+
 PP Cover
One, Two.
Who to kill?
Three, four.
You better open your door.
Five, six.
Cut or nick?
Seven, eight.
Don’t party too late.
Nine, ten.
Watch your gate.

My name is Kayla. Would you like to play a game with me? I promise to only make you bleed and possibly scream.

Are you ready for some fun?

PP Teaser 1
The sounds of blades being sharpened brings my attention to the right. It’s such a sharp, distinct sound that can make some peoples blood run cold. Me, on the other hand, I love it. As I step into the secluded building, I see the man that directs me to what jobs I have for the night. You see, I do the jobs that no others want to do. I clean up the mess that murderers, rapists, degenerates, and the scum of the earth make. Men that are high and mighty that can get away with their crimes so easily, because they have the money to make their problems disappear. But what most of them don’t expect... is me.
PP Teaser 2
Author Bio:
T.L. lives in Brisbane, Australia with her 2 children. She started writing because of her love of reading. She used to doodle with ideas when she was younger, but never wrote too much. Her life dream is to be a full time author. If you ask her if she is like her characters, she says, “I am like both of the characters from my two book series. I think I have put a bit of myself in both….Krinos tends to say things without thinking, I do the same. She also rules the roost, and I do the same in my household.” Her celebrity crush is Chris Hemsworth, she loves chocolate ice cream, her biggest pet peeve is nails on a chalkboard., and she is not a fan of having her photo taken. She loves being part of the Indie Book world, and has made some amazing friends along the way. But, she acknowledges she could never do what she does if it wasn’t for the bloggers that pimp her and the fans that support her and read her books.
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