SERIES BLITZ: Unexpected by Amity Cross

Series: Unexpected
Author: Amity Cross
Genre: Erotic Romance



Blair is looking for an escape.
West is looking for a connection.
One down and out woman. One isolated rock star. Life at the top is lonely, but so is life at the bottom.
Blair is just looking for someone to take the edge off her crappy life. Dull the pain, breathe a little life into her neglected body. A chance meeting at a bar leads to a night of passion. No names, no personal details. Just sex.
Well, it wasn't personal until she sees the guy standing on a stage ten meters in front of her. How the hell didn't she realize that the guy who blew her mind is the guitarist out of that dirty rock 'n' roll band, Affliction? And why is he chasing her down the street? And how does he know her name?
Sometimes you find the things you didn't even know you were looking for in the most unexpected places.

Warning: This book is EROTIC ROMANCE and contains a lot of descriptive sex, strong language, lickable rock stars and one a** kicking female lead. 18+ due to mature sexual content

Author Note

Unexpected was originally released throughout 2014 as a serial in three parts. They were:

Unexpected #1
Unexplainable #2
Unintended #3 


Unexpected: Part 1


This edition is the first part of Blair and West’s story as told in the original version of Unexpected.

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Unexpected (Unexpected #1-3)
This edition is the entire collection as a full, stand alone novel.

If you enjoy Blair and West’s story, please consider reading Unexpected: Affliction. It follows the other members in the band as they chase their happily ever afters. It includes all three parts in the single edition.

I've become an Amity Cross fan.  I will pick up everything she does from here on out.  I'm kinda late to the party, since she's had the rest of Affliction's stories, Royal Blood, and Beat. 
West is the lead singer of the band named Affliction.  He's had some issues, but really, who hasn't?  He is looking for "the One".  You know, the one to make him feel whole, to make him feel complete.  He's been plowing through life and women looking.
Blair is just a girl.  An unhappy girl that's lost both of her parents in one tragic event, searching for someone to make her feel, even though she doesn't really know that's what she's doing.  Blair heads to the bar lookin for a hook-up, that's all...wham bam thank you ma'am, screw me good, leave me alone.  She meets up with a looker and's like instant connection...and that's when all the angsty problems begin.
I'm so glad that I got this version that has all 3 novellas because I devoured it.  I started reading and if I couldn't have jumped right into the next "book" I'd have been devastated.
Suffice to say, the writing is awesome, it flows so smoothly it's like watching tv.  The characters are great, the secondary characters lend a lot to the story and I can't wait to start theirs.
A super solid 4.5 Stars and WELL worth your time!
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(Unexpected #3-6)


Joe Fox is the calm inside the hurricane that is rock outfit Affliction. But underneath the surface he's struggling against his own brewing category five.

When he meets Alexis Storm something Undeniable sparks between them.

Sasha Montgomery has everything she ever wanted.

As the manager of Affliction, she's got everything she ever dreamed of. . . except guitarist Mick Savage.

Watching him from the sidelines is Unbearable, but when he finally realises what her feelings are…everything is going to change.

Rob Hancock was never the savior type.

When he saves Lilly Hunter from a nasty situation, he's about to get more than he bargained for. Now he's her savior and will do whatever it takes to make her safe.

And when push comes to shove, he'll be Unstoppable in his desire to deliver her from her demons.

Warning: These books are classed as EROTIC ROMANCE and contain a lot of descriptive sex, strong language, lickable rock stars and a whole lotta a** kicking female leads. Strictly 18+.

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Loved Unexpected Affliction. I had grown to like the band when we met them in Wests book, Unexpected. And now there is like a novella for each on of the guys and how they go about finding and keeping their significant others, even getting a little kinky :)  Each part of UA is awesome. I love how each of the band members are so different and the love they find reflects upon that. Each band mates love story is a complete story, you're not left hanging or feeling less than satisfied with how it reads. I can only tell you that if you've read Unexpected you really should grab Unexpected Affliction as well. It will make your whole experience that much greater.Excellent writing as always!4.5 Stars for this awesome rocker novel that's 3 books in 1!!!



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Author Bio

Amity Cross isn't her real name. That's no secret.

She is the author of wicked stories about rock stars looking for redemption, gritty romances featuring MMA fighters and dark tales of forbidden romance. She loves to write about screwed up relationships and kick ass female leads that don't take s**t lying down.

Amity lives in a leafy country town in southern Australia and can be found chained to her desk, held at ransom by her characters.

Don't send help. She likes it.

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Signed Limited Edition Paperback of
Unexpected: Part 1
$20 Amazon Gift Card

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