Blog Tour & Review: Saving you by Kelly Elliot


What happens when your head and heart contradict each other regarding the one person you’ve always wanted?

Growing up, Luke Johnson and Libby Hayes thought they would be best friends forever.

One kiss changed everything.

Fearing his love for Libby could cost him their friendship, Luke chooses to listen to his head—instead of his heart.

Will the regrets of denying the one person Luke wants to give himself to, end up leaving him lost and alone? Or will Libby be able to save him with her love?


Saving You is book 2 in the Love Wanted In Texas Series.
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I love this series and I just love how it has continued threw the children of the first series. When I started reading Saving You I realized I missed reading With Out You, I must have completely checked out the month of August because I have no idea how I missed that story. After catching up on Will and Alex's story I was able to read about Luke and Libby.
I loved Luke and Libby story, they mad me laugh, they mad me cry and Luke mad me shake my kindle a few times in frustration. I will say with all that frustration I still loved Luke, he reminded me of his daddy. Luke was struggling with the feeling that he had towards Libby. At times it was like a flash back to Jeff and Ari. He could be such a sweetie, he was kind caring and I loved how much he loved his family. When he started to over think how he felt about Libby he pushed her away and it did nothing but hurt them both.
Libby, sweet Libby put up with a lot from Luke and after months of the run around she couldn't take it anymore. When Libby finally moved on and started dating my heart broke a little, I just wanted that HEA moment with her and Luke. Libby reminded me of her mom Heather, but at times I saw so much of Ellie in her.
When Luke finial pulled his head out of his ass, I squealed a little, ok maybe a lot. 

"What are you most excited about baby?  Wiggling her eyebrows up and down she purred, "falling asleep wrapped up in your arms. Having your heartbeat lull me to sleep every night." She got up onto her hands and knees and slowly moved closer to me as she licked her lips. "Making love to you any...time...I...want." 

In true Kelly fashion, true love is just not at the end of the yellow brick road. You must climb over a big ass mountain and finish the obstacle course to get there. So for the first have of this book I was shaking my kindle and screaming at Luke like a crazy person. The second have left me with water eyes and not being able to put my kindle down.
If you are a hopeless romantic then you will love this book. What I loved most is that is was not like the first book in the series. You did not feel as if you were reading the same thing over again. After so many books in the wanted series they did start to seem the same. Don't get me wrong I loved then, but I love how this book was different. If you read the Wanted Series you still get I glimpse of the parents through the eyes of there children.



“Do you remember the time we got grounded for talking Will into flying off the barn?”

Libby’s eyes met mine. She smiled so big it caused me to laugh. “I remember the time you talked me into talking my brother into soaring through the air.” She shook her head. “Poor, Will. He broke his arm and we were all so afraid to tell my mom.”

I watched as Libby moved across the kitchen. My heart began to beat stronger in my chest. She’s mine. She’s finally mine. Taking in a breath, I slowly let it out. “Do you know what I remember most about that time?”She continued to cut up the watermelon and put it into a bowl for us. Will threatening to hurt you every single time he saw you?

I chuckled. “Nah, that was funny though. I bet if we brought it up to him he’d still be pissed.” Libby giggled and nodded her head. “I remember sneaking out and coming to your house in the middle of the night. Tapping on your bedroom window and sitting under the stars, talking for hours.”

Libby stared into my eyes, smiling softly. “I remember that too. I used to lay in bed and pray so hard you would be there that night. Then, I’d hear you tap on my window and I would get giddy at the idea of sitting next to you on the roof. I remember if your body brushed against mine, I would get the silliest feelings in my stomach.” She looked down and then back at me. “I still do.”

Pushing the stool back, I walked over to Libby. Placing my hands in her hair, I pulled her head back and pressed my lips to hers. The kiss was passionate—filled with love, as we kissed each other like we hadn’t seen each other in days. I pulled back some and whispered against her lips. “I loved you then, Libby.”

Closing her eyes she barely spoke, “Never stop loving me, Luke.”



Kelly Elliott is married to a wonderful Texas cowboy who has a knack for making her laugh almost daily and supports her crazy ideas and dreams for some unknown reason...he claims it's because he loves her!

She’s also a mom to an amazing daughter who is constantly asking for something to eat while her fingers move like mad on her cell phone sending out what is sure to be another very important text message.

In her spare time she loves to sit in her small corner overlooking the Texas hill country and write.

One of her favorite things to do is go for hikes around her property with Gus....her chocolate lab and the other man in her life, and Rose, her golden retriever. When Kelly is not outside helping the hubby haul brush, move rocks or whatever fun chore he has in store for her that day, you’ll find her inside reading, writing or watching HGTV.



Twitter: @author_kelly


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