Blog Tour, Daphnie's Review & Giveaway: Throb by Vi Keeland

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The rules:
No dating.
No sex outside of the game.
No disclosing the terms of the contract.
Rules were made to be broken, right?

Eight weeks ago I signed a contract.  One that seemed like a good idea at the time.  A handsome bachelor, luxury accommodations, and a chance to win a prize my family desperately needed.  There were some rules though.  Lots of them actually.  Follow the script, no dating, sex, or disclosing the terms of the deal.  After my self-imposed moratorium on men the last year, it wouldn’t be hard to live up to my end of the bargain…so I thought.  Until I realized the deal I’d made was with the devil…and I was in love with his dirty-talking brother.


"What was that for? We're both breathing hard; his voice is hoarse with need.

"I don't want to waste any more time. I only have so many hours to wear you out enough so that you'll be useless to another women for six weeks."

Throb! is a love story set in front of the camera of Reality TV. Cooper Montgomery, successful, womanizing, owner of a million dollar production company. Cooper and Katie meet the night he was taken for everything he had in game of cards with Kate.    
 There were fireworks going off between this two but the timing was just so wrong. Kate was binding by three rules, No dating, No sex outside the game and No disclosing the terms of the contract. Kate was contractually binded to a game show Throb which was a mix between Survivor meet Bachelor. To outsides Kate has amazing chemistry  with Bachelor rock star Flynn. After a few encounter with Cooper Kate desire may be leading her in other direction.

Rules were made to be broken, right?

Rules are meant to be broken, but when your brother Miles Montgomery is filming the TV Reality show of the girl you are crushing on this change. Cooper is going to let that stop him from seeing Kate and this is were the fun begins. How will dating two guys work out for Kate?
I loved this story is was fun, funny and Hot. Cooper was your perfect HOT alpha male that had you drooling as you were reading. I loved the banter between him and Kate. Vi Keeland wrote a fanatics story that was different then any other plot that I have read. I cant wait to read Beat. If you are looking for something for a Sexy, Funny read with a bit of a twist this is the book for you.  



Every girl needs three things
1.  A flutter in her belly when she meets him for the first time.
Meet Cooper
My lips brush the top of her hand lightly, my tongue sneaking out to fleetingly touch her skin.  The brief contact stirs an ache inside me.  This woman tugs at something—more than arousal—something that makes me want to slow down time just to spend a few more minutes standing here.
“Did you just…” she stammers a bit.
“Did I just what?”
She squints at me.  “You know.”
“Do I?”
“I felt your tongue on my hand.  You…you licked me.”
I’d been dying to run my tongue along her neck all evening, although I hadn’t really meant to be so crude about it.  It just sort of …happened.  “I wouldn’t say licked, maybe just a little taste.”
“So you tasted me?”
My entire body suddenly has interest in this conversation.  “I suppose I did.  But it wasn’t nearly enough.  That brings us back to my invitation for dinner.  Tomorrow night?”
“I can’t.”
“The day after then?”
She laughs and shakes her head.  The sound makes me smile.
“Good night, Cooper.”  She pulls the driver’s side door shut and leaves me standing there…for a full five minutes after she’s gone.

2.  A best friend to talk about him to.
Meet Sadie

“And I kissed him when we were in his office.”
“How was his office?”
“Really?  That’s what you want to know.  Not how was the kiss or aren’t you in breach of your contract?  How was his office?”
“You can tell a lot about a man by his office.”
I gulp another unladylike sip from my wine glass.  “His office was beautiful.  Sleek, overlooking the city.  It oozed power.”
“Nice.  Bet he fucks like he owns you.”
The thought of what he’s like in bed is enough to make me lose my train of thought.
“Go on,” Sadie prods.
I don’t continue immediately.
“You forgot what you were up to because you were thinking of him fucking you like he owns you, didn’t you?”  My best friend smirks knowingly.
“Shut up.”  I pause.  “Anyway, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“Well, him.  Obviously.”
“I wish it were that easy.”

3.  A gentleman that turns into a bossy dirty talker in the bedroom.
Cooper – behind closed doors.

“You haven’t even begun to see bossy yet.  Tonight I’m going to tell you to do things, and you’re going to do them.  When I tell you to open wider, or take my cock deeper, you’re going to listen.  You know why?  Because since the moment we met, all I’ve wanted to do is make you feel good.  Hell, I don’t even need to get off physically.  Because I’m going to get off watching you every minute.  So, yeah, I’m going to be bossy.  Now let’s put the rest of this behind us.  Do you want to be with me tonight?”
After that prelude, I nod my head fast.  I’m no fool.  Who wouldn’t?
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About the Author:
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Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn't change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work.  She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting smut author by night!



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