Blog Tour, Rachel's Review, Giveaway --- Carmel's Choice by Doris O'Connor

Title: Carmel's Choice
Author: Doris O'Connor
Genre: Adult, Ménage Erotice Romance
Release Date: February 24, 2015
It’s just one night of kinky sex. What could possibly go wrong?

When the birthday present from her Master is one night of no holds barred kinky sex with his ex-army buddy, Carmel Blythe doesn’t know what to think. A good subbie obeys her Master’s wishes, however, and there is no denying the instant connection she has with this experienced Dom.

Topping Gideon’s gorgeous wife is the least Nash Jonas can do to repay the debt he owes the man. After all Gideon took the bullet aimed at Nash—the very one that cost the other man his army career, and put him in a wheelchair. If only Nash could keep those pesky emotions out of the deal. 

Gideon cannot stand to see the sadness in his wife’s eyes, nor the restlessness in his best buddy’s soul. Pushing the two people he loves together, will surely satisfy everyone’s physical and emotional  needs...

Wow...I'd like to be Nash's little kitten.  This story was sexy, no doubt.  The characters are easy to like, and I could really see another coming on with Carmel's bestie Nicole and her husband as they learn how to become truly dominant and submissive.
Carmel is married to Gideon and has been for a while.  He comes home from the military as a paraplegic.  His best friend Nash stays away because he feels guilty AND because he knows he'll fall for Gideon's wife.  I don't like to synopsize the story in my reviews, so I'll you if you like hot n sexy this could easily be a read for you.  If you like M/F/M  this is a book to read.  If you like your stories slightly emotional, with a little angst, grab Carmel's Choice.
4 Stars for this sexy little read!

Carmel's Choice Excerpt © Doris O'Connor 2015 

“Such beautiful feet you have, but you’re not giving Gideon a show. Lift your skirt and show him how wet you are for us, pet.”
Carmel drew her gaze away from the sight of Nash’s dark head at her feet and sought out her husband’s. Sitting in his wheelchair next to them, the hungry way he looked at her made her comply with Nash’s words immediately. She yanked the hem of her dress up, and Gideon drew in a sharp breath. Nash surprised her by lifting one of her legs over his shoulder and turning slightly so that Gideon got a full-on frontal view of her cunt.
“Oh, yes, look at how wet she is for us. Her hole is clenching, and when I do this…” He abruptly pushed two fingers into her pussy hole and curled them up until she saw stars and ground herself against his hand in an effort to seek the release just hovering out of her reach.
“Oh, fuck, she is squeezing my fingers, so eager to come, but we won’t let her yet, will we, Gid?” Nash bit down hard on the inside of her thigh and then withdrew his fingers. The loud, wet sound as her pussy tried to hold on to them should have embarrassed Carmel, especially as she could feel her feminine need trickle down the inside of her thighs, but Gideon’s approval left no room for that. Only heated arousal in the presence of her men. Nash’s cock looked huge as it strained against the material barely holding it in, and she licked her lips, desperate to taste him, but Nash shook his head.
“Not this time, baby. I want to come buried in your ass while your husband fucks your cunt.” Carmel gasped, and her breasts grew heavy, the nipples aching in need to be touched, to have both her men take her.
“How?” she whispered, and Gideon laughed.
“Bring her over here and let’s show her. Besides I want to taste my wife. You’ve monopolized her long enough, Nash.”
Nash smirked and, grasping her wrists behind her back, marched her across the short distance that separated her from Gideon. He kicked her legs apart once she was standing in front of her husband, and Gideon leaned forward and ran just the tip of his forefinger along her puffy labia. Carmel groaned, and both men laughed.
“Oh, yes, she is very naughty girl indeed, isn’t she, Nash? So swollen and wet already, so needy.” He blew across her slit, and Carmel’s clit clenched in desperate need. Her internal muscles, too, tensed and released as yet more of her juices coated her pussy lips.
Gideon grinned, a smile of pure evil that meant he intended to torture her some more, and Carmel moaned.
“Please, Sir”
He flicked an amused glance up to Nash, who had pulled her hair to one side and rubbed his stubbly jaw up and down her neck. His hard cock dug into the small of her back, and his harsh breaths puffed along her skin. To know that he was as affected as she was, to feel the heavy, hot evidence of his need prodding her, was a very heavy aphrodisiac indeed.
“Play with her nipples, Nash. Pull them out and let me see our girl’s tits.”
Still maintaining a hard grip on her wrists, he used his free hand to pull first one, and then the other of her breasts out of the neckline of her dress. It forced her boobs upward as the neckline dug into her breast tissue. It would mean the dress was stretched beyond repair, but the sweet pain was worth it, as was the look on Gideon’s face as he feasted his eyes on her exposed cleavage.
 Even though she wouldn’t have thought it was possible, her nipples hardened even more, and she whimpered her need in incoherent sounds and moans as Gideon resumed his one-fingered inspection of her pussy. Up and down her cleft, right up to her anus, he worked that finger, taking care to stay away from her clit. The slight pressure he used was slowly driving her insane, and she shut her eyes and let her head fall back against Nash.
“Hmm, yes, beautiful. Pinch her nipples for me, Nash.”
The sweet pain as Nash did just that made her knees buckle, and Nash swore. He released her wrists, and grasping her ass cheeks, lifted her straight off her legs.
“Hold on to me, baby. Let’s give your Sir a proper view of that cunt, shall we. I want you to come all over Gideon’s face, and I want you to scream when you do so.”
When Gideon grasped her hips, Nash lifted her legs over his shoulders and then slid his hands up her breasts and squeezed the heavy globes. She locked her hands behind Nash’s neck, and her whole body drew taut at the first lick of Gideon’s tongue against her cunt. He murmured his approval as she gushed into his mouth while Nash’s and Gideon’s combined strength kept her hovering in the air. The sound of Nash’s breathing in her ear, his clever fingers twisting and pulling her nipples—an action that sent shard after shard of pure pleasure straight to her clit—meant she screamed the first of her orgasms.
 Gideon’s fingers dug into her skin as he continued to eat her out with earth-shattering finesse and pushed her into several more heart-stopping orgasms. By the time he finally let up, Carmel’s arms screamed their distress at her from having been in their elevated position for this long. Dimly aware of being lowered to the floor, and then Nash’s deep rumble in her ear as he picked her up and carried her through to Gideon’s bed, Carmel gave up the fight in keeping her eyes open.

Glutton for punishment would be a good description for Doris…at least that’s what she hears on an almost daily basis when people find out that she has a brood of nine children, ranging from adult to toddler, and lives happily in a far-too-small house, cluttered with children, pets, dust bunnies, and one very understanding and supportive husband. Domestic goddess she is not.

There is always something better to do, after all, like working on the latest manuscript and trying not to scare the locals even more than usual by talking out loud to the voices in her head. Her characters tend to be pretty insistent to get their stories told, and you will find Doris burning the midnight oil on a regular basis. Only time to get any peace and quiet, and besides, sleep is for wimps.

She likes to spin sensual, sassy, and sexy tales involving alpha heroes to die for, and heroines who give as good as they get. From contemporary to paranormal, BDSM to F/F and Ménage, haunting love stories are guaranteed.

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