Release Blitz, Rachel's Review, Giveaway: Monster Chef by Margaret McHeyzer

Title: Monster Chef
Author: Margaret McHeyzer
 Release Date: March 18, 2015


Holly Walker had everything she’d ever dreamed about – a happy marriage and being mum to beautiful brown-eyed Emma - until an accident nineteen months ago tore her world apart. Now she's a widow and single mother to a boisterous little 7-year-old girl, looking for a new start. Ready to take the next step, Holly has found herself a job as a maître d’ at Table One, a once-acclaimed restaurant in the heart of Sydney. But one extremely arrogant Frenchman isn't going to be easy to work with...

Twenty years ago, Pierre LeRoux came to Australia, following the stunning Aussie girl he'd fallen in love with. He and his wife put their personal lives on hold, determined for Pierre to take Sydney's culinary society by storm. Just as his bright star was on the upswing, tragedy claimed the woman he was hopelessly in love with. He had been known as a Master Chef, but since his wife’s death he has become known as Monster Chef. 

Can two broken people rebuild their lives and find happiness once more?

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What a wonderful second chance at love story!Holly is a widow with a 6 year old daughter, and she lives with her mother-in-law..Pierre is a widower with no other family.The characters are great. The writing excellent. It is so descriptive and smooth that while reading it seemed more like a movie running through my mind. I could picture everything!The storyline was great. One of those where the characters are attracted to each other but don't want to be, so they are in a state of constant antagonism. I loved the wicked and witty back n forth between Holly and Pierre.The author kept me on my toes. I kept expecting a twist...and when it showed, it wasn't one I was expecting. And I loved the fact that Holly was reading Yes, Master. LOL...what a great story!
4.5 Stars

Author Bio

**Bound by custom or unique by choice.**

There's something about the written word that's pure magic.

Possibly it's the fact that there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, and they can create something so beautiful or so empowering that they're able to change our lives.

How important is it that we break suit and stretch our minds?

I like to think of myself as 'unique'. My stories aren't for everyone, and sometimes I may push what you believe to be 'normal'.

Normal is subjective.

I prefer to be known as a person who's never been 'bound by custom' but is 'unique by choice'.

Until next time


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