Cover Reveal: Thrasher by K.S Smith

Thrasher by K.S. Smith
Cover Reveal

Brianna Hamilton wants for nothing. Especially her pick of gorgeous men. But one night when an unexpected turn of evens unfolds, she collides with Duke Thrasher, and there is no denying that she is going to fall hard, and fast.
Duke Thrasher has boundaries that he does not cross, keeping his personal life separate from his work. But when Brianna Hamilton enters his life, the lines begin to blur.
Can Duke keep Brianna shielded from his line of duty or will his job destroy them?

K.S. Smith Bio
K.S. Smith is a twenty eight year old Contemporary Romance Author from Tampa, FL. Her debut novel, One Night With Him, hit the Amazon Top 100 List the very weekday it published. When she's not writing she enjoys spending quality time with her family and friends, or with her nose stuck in a book.
