Blog Tour, Rachel's Review: Salvation and Secrets (Chastity Falls Book 2) by LA Cotton

Title: Salvation and Secrets (Chastity Falls Series Book 2)
Author: L.A. Cotton
Genre: New Adult/Contemporary
Release Date: April 17th

~ Synopsis ~
Chastity Falls was supposed to be Ana Parry’s fresh start. But what started as her salvation soon became her undoing.
Four months after losing the very thing that gave her reason again, Ana is back at Chastity Falls. Holding on by a thread and trying hard to forget about Jackson isn’t easy when she’s determined to uncover the Donohue’s biggest secrets.
Jackson Pierce knew he was playing with fire when he pursued the girl with pain in her eyes. But there was something about her and he just had to know more.
Walking away from Ana was the hardest thing he’s ever done, and four months on, he refuses to forget. He can’t. Rising tensions with Reibeckitt Valley mean Ana is still in harm’s way and, this time, he’s determined to protect her—at all costs.
Loyalty drove them apart, but will secrets piece them back together? Or tear them apart for good?
Salvation will be earned, secrets will be unveiled. Welcome to Chastity Falls.

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If you haven't read Loyalty and Lies, Book 1 in the Chastity Falls series, stop and go read that! Otherwise, you'll be lost, and this review will spoil it for you!

We ended Loyalty and Lies with Jackson walking away from Ana. He chose The Fallen...
Well, it's back to school time and Paul and Elena won't let Ana hid away. They make her go out and attempt to have fun. But Ana does a good job of staying away from Jackson until poetry class. Uh-oh. He looks at her, she at him and they KNOW they still have feelings for each other...but put that aside for now. There is SO much going on. Ana is looking into the Donohue family, Jackson is trying to pacify everyone to keep the peace, and Braiden is trying to cause as much trouble as possible. Paul is still trying to get out of the "Friend Zone" and Ana wants nothing to do with that! Ana, whom we know is a recovering cutter, descends into depression and Jackson is wondering just how bad she's getting, and he just can't stay away.
As Ana's life is threatened yet again, Jackson has to try and be the hero without anyone getting hurt. They make their way around one obstacle only to be thrown face first into another. I can't wait for book 3!  What a fabulous cast of characters coupled with a fast pace makes this series a definite MUST READ, even if you're not a New-Adult genre reader.
5 Amazing Stars

~ Other Books In The Series ~
Loyalty and Lies (Chastity Falls Series Book 1) 
Eighteen-year-old Savanah Parry just moved three thousand miles across state to escape. The memories…the whispers…the pain. Chastity Falls Academy is supposed to be her fresh start; her salvation. And when Ana meets mysterious Jackson, she begins to think it is. She hasn’t smiled in almost sixteen months; not since the night her life changed forever, and despite her guilt…her loyalty, Ana can’t deny that Jackson is breathing life back into her. With Jackson by her side, Ana wants to believe she can heal and move on. But she isn’t the only one living a lie, and the small private Academy has secrets of its own. All is not what it seems, and Ana is about to find herself in a tangled web of lies; fighting for survival, again. Loyalties will be tested, lies will be told. Welcome to Chastity Falls.

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