Release Blitz and Giveaway: Ride Me Hard by Shari Slade

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Ride Me Hard by Shari Slade
Publication Date: May 1, 2015

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When a big scary biker shows up at Jimmy's Diner fifteen minutes before the end of my shift, covered in tattoos and looking at me like I'm on the menu, I should flip the open sign to closed. But I don't, because I'm too used to doing what I've been told. Too used to working and struggling and surviving to do anything different. A closed sign wouldn't stop him anyway. He's here to collect a debt. And I'm the only one left to pay. Author's Note: Ride Me Hard is part one in the Devil's Host MC serial.
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Ride Me Hard is a dark, quick and gritty MC read.  It tells Star's story.  She's been working at Jimmy's Diner, just trying to get by when Noah walks in.  He's come to collect a debt from Star's brother, but when he bails, Star's left shouldering the debt.

I feel like this series has a lot of potential.  I like the dynamic between Star and Noah, but feel it would be better if it was expanded upon.  I know there's more books coming in the series, so I hope the other books are longer.  At only 46 pages (according to Amazon), I don't think I had enough time to really connect with the characters and the story.  However, I like the premise and what the author is trying to do.  I give Ride Me Hard 3.5 stars.

About Shari Slade

Shari Slade
Frequently found in a blanket fort, you can also find her contributing at Wonkomance, on twitter, facebook, ortumblr. For new release updates, sign up for the newsletter.
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