WOO HOO IT'S THE DIRTY GIVEWAY from KI Lynn, N Isabelle Blanco and Elena M Reyes

Featuring three filthy tales from K.I. Lynn, N. Isabelle Blanco, and Elena M. Reyes 

Dirty Word by Elena M. Reyes


***Mature Audience. Over 18+***
Devin Andrews had it all. Everything but the one woman he coveted.
He wanted her in the sickest of ways—yearned for those dirty words she used to entice him, drive him mad with hunger...need.

Taken from his rib to create perfection, he found love and the one woman born to be his.
How far will he go to take ownership of what’s always been his? To what cost?
Once with her, how do you seduce a woman you've never met?

You don’t. You just take.

Tempt by K.I. Lynn


Dean Sampson can’t stop fantasizing about his intern, Alyssa Lockley. He’s counting down they days until she’s gone and out of his life. 
It’s not that he doesn't want her, but there’s more than one problem keeping him for taking her and being his intern isn't one of them. 
First, his co-worker and best friend, Cooper, is her big brother. He’s going through a horrid divorce. Then add in that Alyssa is only nineteen and he’s thirty three, and it all spells disaster for Dean. 

Will he take the apple from his Eve and succumb to her temptation?

Systematic Siege: Provocative Tendencies #1


He was the player. The most popular guy in high school. In other words, the stereotypical heartbreaker that every girl died for.

She was one of the nerds. The outcast teased and shunned by the popular kids in school. In other words, him and his crew.

He always wanted her, she just never knew it . . .

In order to maintain his popularity, he buried those feelings deep, deep down in the pit of his miserable little soul.

That is, until one night he lost control.

They both did.

Unfortunately, they weren't the only ones that knew it. What his friends ended up doing with the knowledge would scar her for the next seven years of her life.

And leave him wrecked, dealing with years of agony because he’d lost her.

High School graduation came and went, and they never saw each other again.

Now, seven years later, Andrew’s stepped in and taken his father’s place as CEO of his family’s company, Drevlow Systems, Inc.

Along with the new position comes a host of perks . . . and a brand new systems genius working as the head of his company’s IT department.

An IT genius that just happens to be the one woman he never forgot.

She hasn't forgotten him or his reputation either and she wants nothing to do with him.

He’s determined to have hershe’s determined to see him burn in hell before that happens.

What ensues takes the term War of the Sexes to a whole new level.

Rafflecopter with over 30 prizes up for grabs!!!!

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