Cover Reveal: Omega & Love by K. Webster

Omega & Love by K Webster Alpha & Omega #2 Publication Date: July 30, 2015 Genres: Contemporary, Paranormal, Romance
Omega and Love FRONT
They now call me a Leviathan. A monster.
And maybe I am. I know one soul who believes that with every part of his being. If only he knew the truth. If only I could make him see that I’m more than the surface of lies I spin. That I’m more than someone out for their own gain. I wish he could see—know who I was before all of this. The person I desperately cling on to that is still inside of me. The person I must protect. One day I hope to hand him the key to the fortress that is my heart. I just hope he doesn’t give up on Love and throw it all away… *** I hate Love. *** I’m looking at her. There’s an innocence to her that she keeps carefully hidden. But I see it. Inside of her is someone that she has revealed to no one. Not even me when I once thought we were in love. Of course now I know that was all a farce but still, she hid that even from me. But not now—now, I see more.
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About K Webster

K Webster2
K Webster is the author of dozens romance books in many different genres including contemporary romance, historical romance, paranormal romance, and erotic romance. When not spending time with her husband of twelve years and two adorable children, she's active on social media connecting with her readers. Her other passions besides writing include reading and graphic design. K can always be found in front of her computer chasing her next idea and taking action. She looks forward to the day when she will see one of her titles on the big screen.
