Cover Reveal: Omega & Love by K. Webster
Omega & Love
by K Webster
Alpha & Omega #2
Publication Date: July 30, 2015
Genres: Contemporary, Paranormal, Romance
They now call me a Leviathan. A monster.
And maybe I am.
I know one soul who believes that with every part of his being.
If only he knew the truth.
If only I could make him see that I’m more than the surface of lies I spin. That I’m more than someone out for their own gain. I wish he could see—know who I was before all of this. The person I desperately cling on to that is still inside of me. The person I must protect.
One day I hope to hand him the key to the fortress that is my heart.
I just hope he doesn’t give up on Love and throw it all away…
I hate Love.
I’m looking at her.
There’s an innocence to her that she keeps carefully hidden.
But I see it.
Inside of her is someone that she has revealed to no one.
Not even me when I once thought we were in love.
Of course now I know that was all a farce but still, she hid that even from me.
But not now—now, I see more.
