R.E. Hunter's exciting Coming Soon Announcement!
Coming Soon!! Lost Stars by R.E. Hunter
Lost Stars
R.E. Hunter
Genre: Contemporary Romance - Standalone
Release: TBD
I was lost.
I left Jameson out of necessity. I was desperate to protect him, and I had to save myself. It was all that mattered. Even if it meant shattering his heart into a million pieces. And mine along with it.
But here I am, standing in front of him, and the new life I so carefully built is unraveling before my eyes. A secret long buried threatening to swallow me whole. I can't walk away again, but if I stay, I'm scared I won't survive the fallout...

Full teaser text for posting along with enclosed graphic teaser picture: It's so natural, the pull between us. It makes gravity look weak. My body starts toward him before my brain has the chance to decide otherwise. He's always managed to be just what I need when I need it, and now is no different. Despite the anger and pain that clouds our past, I grab hold of what he's offering without a second thought." Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/review/new/25866154-untitled
Author Bio:
Rose Hunter is a native New Yorker currently living in Austin, Texas with her husband and their crazy kitten. Surviving solely on Starbucks Iced Chai and KIND bars, she spends her days writing angsty romance and chasing happily ever afters. When she’s not writing, you can find her on the beach with a glass of wine and a book in her hand.
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