Blog Tour: No Magic Moment by Angel Payne & Victoria Blue
Abra cadabra...
My name is Margaux Asher--and I'm in love.
Crazy, right? Me, the girl who grew up in the lap of luxury and the shadow of cynicism, is now head-over-heels for an apple farmer's son who rocks my world and steals my breath. He's seen the woman beneath the princess, and loves me--for me. Trouble is...he wants all of me. But how can I commit that to him if I don't know what "me" is?
There are pieces missing--and not just mine. Until Michael opens up and shares all of himself, we're a great opening explosion, but not a lasting magic tale.
Don't look at the man behind the curtain...
My name is Michael Pearson--and I'm in love.
Margaux is the fire of my dreams, the fulfillment of my fantasies, and the woman who's asked the impossible. When your past has been hell, how is it possible to walk through it again? But fighting it isn't an option--especially when the ghosts rise up and battle back.
Especially when fate issues an ultimatum: battle back, or lose her forever.
Can I do it? Is love enough to change a person's soul, or will our magic become a forgotten moment for us both?

Rachel's Review~
This is my first story in the Secrets of Stone Series, and yeah, this is book 4. I didn't pay attention to the fact that its part of a series and ya know what? I'm so glad...While I didn't have back story, didn't know the particulars of the characters, I freaking loved it. I can't wait to have the time to start from book 1 and continue them one after the other.
These ladies write a super story. While it's never mundane and ordinary, it reads like a movie. I had a definite picture in my head throughout. Their descriptive writing lends to this being an easy read to follow and so entertaining.
I said descriptive, right? ~The steady pressure beckoned my senses like a light in the growing twilight.
Margaux and Michael have battled so much and come so far...only to have it all fall apart again...courtesy of family. "Watch" as they battle back, battle for each other and overcome one obstacle after another to be a couple.
~The pain I saw in his sucked my breath away. I shook my head, confused. Where did all that agony stem from? Was it from seeing me? Missing me? Or was it true anger, simply from me being here? And if so...why?
And make no mistake, it's got some of that sexy factor too...
~I plunged harder, pouring myself into her, silently begging her to feel the sorrow of my contrition...the depth of how she completed me. When I urged her body against mine, fitting the centers of our bodies tighter, the pulse of her desire came alive...and ignited me.
As you can see, their writing is amazing. The story was so gripping, I couldn't put it down. I finished it in only a couple of hours. And I can't wait to start the series from the beginning!
4.5 Magnetic Stars

I did take a couple of sharpened pencils—brand new number twos—and lay them end-to-end in the well on the desk’s top. Like any good student, I sat up straight with my hands folded in front of me. The only thing out of place was my exaggerated gum chewing. It lent to the bit but also helped with my nervousness.
Keys jangled in the hall.
My heartbeat skidded in my chest.
Show time.
I tried to call the circus in my stomach to rest. Would he play along with me? I was almost certain he would…but how far? In what direction?
Uncertainty assaulted me.
A simple question had never turned me on more.
The door swung open. I looked up, brandishing a cheeky grin. Blew a big pink bubble out of my mouth with a long hiss.
I sucked the gum back in and kept chewing, adding a little wink. Getting deeper into character helped keep the circus under control—especially after I took in my man from head to toe. He’d worn one of his sharpest suits today, nearly-black navy that was perfectly fitted to every lean, muscled inch of him. Finishing the look was a burgundy tie, a color he turned into a power look with the force of his presence alone.
I really loved that suit on him.
Inside ten seconds, I squirmed in the seat. Wet for him. Wanting him.
“Well, what do we have here?” His sensual growl moved through me while he shucked his jacket and slid his briefcase onto the island in the kitchen, right next to the wooden ruler. Though I had a blind spot due to my lower level at the desk, I sensed he stashed the ruler in his back pocket. I’d find out for sure if I pushed him far enough…and earned a punishment.
Oh, it was on.
“Hi there.” I blew another bubble. Smaller this time. Popped it with my teeth and sucked it back in. Michael watched every movement with darkening eyes—and, I observed as he walked out from the kitchen, a hardening crotch. Oh, yes. I grinned a little wider.
“Hello there.” He started unbuttoning his sleeves. Rolled them both to his elbows. Oh hell, yes. “What’s going on?”
“I’ve come for detention—just like the slip said, Headmaster.” I chewed loudly but added in a mumble, “Although I didn’t expect the proctor to be late.”
He lifted both hands to his waist. “What did you just say, Miss Asher?”
His snarl was terrifying—and so fucking hot. He’d taken the bait and jumped right into character—as I’d known he would, deep in my heart. Never letting me down.
I loved this man so much.
“Nothing.” I snapped it breezily, diving deeper into my own persona. “Nothing at all.”
“Perhaps you meant ‘nothing, Sir’?”
I gave him an exaggerated blink through my heavily coated lashes. “Of course. Nothing, Sir.”
He prowled closer. I smiled bigger. Holy crap, he was good. So damn good.
“Miss Asher, I’ve been seeing a lot of you lately. Your behavior is getting out of hand. It’s possible some corrective action is necessary at this point.”
I gasped and worried my lips together. “No! Please, Headmaster. I promise, I promise I’ll be good.”
“That’s what you said last time, young lady.”
“But I mean it this time. I do. Really.”
“So tell me, why were you sent to my office? Exactly?” He eyed me carefully. I picked up the vibe instantly. He played along while trying to understand what I wanted out of all this. While we’d talked about the fantasy, we hadn’t exactly discussed a line-by-line. Really, I could never let this man go. He was clever enough and brave enough to go toe-to-toe with me on every level.
I blew another bubble for dramatic effect. Michael sighed, giving it equal weight. “Give me the gum, Miss Asher. You know it’s against school policy, and it’s unladylike to be chewing it in front of me.”
I slid another glance up at him. “You gonna make me?”
He walked back to the counter, grabbed a tissue from the box on it, then paced back over to cup it in front of my mouth.
“Spit it out.”
“Do not defy me. It will only make things worse for you. It’s a disgusting habit anyway.” He pressed his other hand against the side of my face. “There are much better uses for that pretty little mouth.”