Blog Tour, Erica's Review: Tap by Georgia Cates

Release Day: JANUARY 11, 2016


A faceless name. That’s all she was when I agreed to play a part in deceiving her. But then the unplanned happened.

We met. And all I wanted from her was a dirty weekend . . . until that wasn’t enough and I longed for so much more.

Lawrence Thorn suddenly means the world to me. And that’s a problem. She’s my business partner’s sister. Forbidden fruit. Pursuing her can mean trouble for me at Lovibond Brewery. But I don’t care.

I yearn for her skin against mine.

I crave her smell on my body.

I want to make her laugh and then hear her moan my name.

And she does for a brief moment in time. 

But Lawrence wants more than I’m able to give. And it’s a damn shame because there’s no one on earth I want more than her.

An epic love.

A miserable ending.

Unless it’s not.

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Erica's Review~

FORBIDDEN LOVE!  That’s what this book is about.  Are you willing to be in a relationship that you have to keep secret?  NO, not because you’re cheating but because you have an over protective brother that doesn’t think anyone is good enough for you.    Lets take a walk through the love life of Lucas “Tap” and Lawrence.
Lucas is a man that I would love to meet! He is fun, down to earth, and very much misunderstood.   His friends and partners that work see him as a womanizer.  He’s really a dirty talking romantic with a heart of gold.   He just has a few demons from his past that make him not want to fall in love again.   
Lawrence  “Wren” unexpectedly walks into Tap life.  She is a woman that is ok with loving herself.  She doesn’t need a man to live a happy healthy life.  But that doesn’t mean deep down inside she doesn’t want a man.  In fact she wants a husband and children.  What she didn’t know is that she'd want Tap; a man her brother forbid her to see.  What is a girl to do?  Follow her heart or her brother’s demands? 
When Tap met Wren she wasn’t like any woman he'd ever met.  He thought she was going to be stuck up and whiny, but what he got was loving, fun, and funny.  Turns out she is the total package.  She is a woman that any man would die to be with.  Especially him. He is willing to go against his friend wishes and risk his friendship and business to have this girl.  She wakes up things inside he thought he would never feel again.  The best thing about it all is that Wren is feeling the same way.  Although they have a few differences when it comes to marriage and family she is willing to see where it goes.  It’s only for sex anyway right.  Who’s planning to fall in love?  Sure not the Tap or Wren.  I enjoyed following the love affair between Tap and Wren.  Georgia gave us two characters that are perfect for each other.  I gave this story 4 sparkling stars.  I can’t wait to see what Georgia has in store for the rest of the character in this series. 
4 Stars


Lawrence Thorn
I grab the bottom of his T-shirt and give it a tug. “I think you’re overdressed.”
“I know how to fix that.”
He crosses his arms and grabs the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. I stand in awe, taking in his male beauty. Broad shoulders. Pecs filled with muscle. A deep V at his waist, pointing right to his dick. That shit is awesome. Any woman who says it isn’t is a damn liar.
He has ink. A lot. I will take my time exploring that a little later. Maybe even outline it with the tip of my tongue.
My hands splay over the mounds of muscle covering the top of his chest. I suck a nipple into my mouth and give it a tug with my teeth. Women pay too little attention to men’s nipples. But not me. I love them.
Brou’s hands lace through my hair at the nape. “I have a confession.”
I look up but don’t release his nipple. “Mmm hmm?”
“When I turned around and saw you yesterday, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. And then you told me you were Stout’s sister. I was crushed because I knew that meant you were out of my reach.”
I release his nipple and straighten so we’re face to face. Sort of. He is quite a bit taller than me.
I snake my arms around his shoulders. “I think I’m very much within your reach. I’m yours until the morning so make it count.”
He slides his hands down my sides into the waist of my maxi skirt and panties. “We may not sleep at all tonight.”
“I’m all in.” Even if it means I won’t be worth shit driving home tomorrow. Every orgasm he gives me will make it worth it.
His mouth possesses mine as he pushes my bottoms down. I step out when both pieces drop to my feet and reach for the button of his jeans.
Brou ignores his phone vibrating on the nightstand. “You need to get that?”
“No fucking way. I’ve waited all day for this.”
A full minute doesn’t pass before the phone dances again. “You sure?”
The phone rings a third time within two minutes. “They’re persistent.”
“They’re dead if they don’t leave us alone.”

Georgia resides in rural Mississippi with her wonderful husband, Jeff, and their two beautiful daughters. She spent fourteen years as a labor and delivery nurse before she decided to pursue her dream of becoming an author and hasn’t looked back yet.
When she’s not writing, she’s thinking about writing. When she’s being domestic, she’s listening to her iPod and visualizing scenes for her current work in progress. Every story coming from her always has a song to inspire it.
Representation: All questions regarding subsidiary rights for any of my books, inquiries regarding foreign translation and film rights should be directed to Jane Dystel of Dystel & Goderich.

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