Title: Sinister Love
Series: Dark Intentions Duet #2
Author: T.L. Smith
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: April 24, 2018
He was a drug I couldn’t kick. I’d overdosed on him before. It didn’t turn out well.
I was stupid enough to let him crack my heart, in hopes we would fall off the same cliff together.
No matter how much my idiotic heart wanted to love him, my head knew better.
He didn’t choose me.
He chose her.
That’s where the problem started.
Maybe that’s how it should end.
This is book 2 in the Dark Intentions Duet and should NOT be read without reading Distorted Love first. My review will NOT contain any spoilers from either book.
While book 1 was amazing and angst filled and one of the BEST from TL Smith, book 2 was kind of a let down. Yes, it finished off the series, answered questions and tied everything up nicely, it didn't have the depth and the feeling or the angst of book 1. And I thrive on that..so
for me, it was a little bit of a let down. I understand that with Distorted Love you were taken on such a ride that Sinister would have had to be just shy of sheer perfection to garner the same reactions.
Still exceptionally well written, and the duet as a whole, Fabulous!
3.5 Stars