Promo Blast & Rachel's Review: Set Free by Kelly Collins

AUTHOR: Kelly Collins
GENRE: Contemporary Romance ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE: November 10, 2015

One ex-convict, one detective, one ranch, one hell of a ride.
When twenty-four-year-old Mickey Mercer walked out of the Denver Women’s Correctional Facility she had two things on her mind: the friends she left behind and the rough road ahead. 
She had a failing ranch, a rundown home, and an angry ex-boyfriend determined to crush her. That was until a stranger appointed himself her personal savior. 
Detective McKinley’s job was to protect and serve. His life was consumed by work until he found Mickey walking down a dusty road. She was a mess and in trouble, and t. There was nothing sexier than trouble. Mickey was everything he wanted, but nothing he needed. That was the lie he told himself. 
Set Free is a story about love, hope, and redemption. Sometimes, people aren’t what they seem. Sometimes, they’re better.

The white Ford pickup idled quietly— waiting. Fear squeezed my throat like a noose. Could it be him? I backed away while the window silently lowered. 
“Do you need a ride?” The husky voice called from across the seat. So many emotions filled me. 
A sizzling energy threaded through every nerve in my body. It was a tingly zap of recognition. Morse code for my libido? Electrocution by attraction?
Looking into the clean truck and feeling the cool air seep out the window made it easy to take the risk. Without hesitation, I pulled on the door handle and hopped in the truck. 
“Yes. Thanks. Being near the prison, I didn’t think anyone would stop.” I reached forward and turned the air vents to my face. 
His inspection of me was short but thorough. The feel of his eyes sweeping across my body made the air around me crackle. It had been a long time since a man had seen me. Sure, the guards watched me daily, but they never actually saw me. I was a number, not a person. 
The window rose and the door lock engaged. The sound caused fleeting anxiety. Buckled into my safety belt, the truck propelled forward. I sat in the sexy stranger’s car— captive.

Rachel's Review~
Kelly Collins always comes through with a great story and super characters, and this book is no different.  Being the first in a new series this is a great set up story and what we can expect from the rest of the series!
Mickey got shafted, plain and simple.  After an "altercation" we'll call it, she slashes some tires and some how ends up in jail.  I know right?  Crazy ass leaving the Denver Correctional Facility she ends up walking because no one from her ranch could bother to pick her up...fortuitous one might say...
Kerrick is a detective.  Protective, kind, and hey, he likes to pick up strangers.  He stops to give Mickey a ride and the beginning of a beautiful friendship is born, well with all the sexual tension and shit zinging around it could be more than a beautiful friendship but...our very own Detective Kerrick is scared of relationships, shocker, I know...what man isn't? But losing your wife and keeping the job?  Well, it'll take the right kind of girl.
Loved this quick  easy read.  So enjoyable!  really, if you haven't read anything by Kelly Collins now is the perfect time to start this new Second Chances series.  Can't wait for Set Aside!
4.5 Stars

Kelly Collins writes with the intention of keeping the love alive. Always a romantic, she is inspired by real time events mixed with a dose of fiction. She encourages her readers to reach the happily ever after but bask in the afterglow of the perfectly imperfect love. Kelly lives in Colorado with her husband of twenty-five years. She loves hockey, shiny objects and has a new found appreciation for green smoothies. Kelly has a landing page that hosts all her books.


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