Friction by Emily Snow Release Tour, Daphnie's Review


Friction by Emily Snow
Publication Date: January 18th, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: HEA Press

Friction a SEXY All-New Standalone from Emily Snow is now LIVE!

Former overachiever Lucy WillIams sucks at adulting.
Recent divorce, check.
Pending lawsuit, check.
A move back to Boston to live with her mother, triple check.
It can't get much worse, right?
When she starts her new marketing job at EXtreme Effects, she's positive shit’s stopped hitting the fan. Sure, what she's advertising is a little ... unorthodox, but it pays the bills. And since she's seconds away from becoming Lucy Williams: Wednesday Night Bingo Enthusiast, she needs money to get the hell out of her mother’s house.
The only problem is her boss, Mr. Extreme himself: Jace Exley. He’s everything any sane woman dreams of—alpha, successful, ridiculously gorgeous. He's also Lucy’s worst nightmare. Because like every overachiever, she has that underachiever she brushed off. The slacker who, once upon a time ago, was the object of her dirtiest schoolgirl fantasies.
Jace Exley—with his sarcastic smirk and delicious accent—just happens to be that guy.
And the friction between them?
Well, that's the only adulting Lucy seems to be winning at.


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Friction had my blood boiling after chapter one. Its ones of those book that you can't out down because the characters suck you in. Emily Snow crafted a masterpiece of a story. The story brought among in the journey and you felt as if you experiencing what Lucy and Jace were.

Lucy was not expecting to come to her interview and be interviewing with her your high school crush. The one you were an ass to and a complete know-it-all. Lucy Williams thought she had hit rock bottom, but the floors feel out when she was sitting in front of Jace Exlry. Lucy is a prim and proper go getting. Skipping a grade, finished high school with AA allowing her to meet her goals early in life. When she parts from her last job due to difference she is left with a tough time finding a job. Her names smeared across the marketing world. 

"I was twelve the first time I laid eyes on my person. It's sad that I remember the moment vividly,...."

In comes hot Brit Jace Ellery and EXtreme Effects, every time his says "Love" he'll make your panties wet. He has built his company from nothing, his bare hand. Jace was a sex machine in school, he oozed cockiness and could get any girl he wanted. When he finally decide to use that skill to build a business, he was able to capture the darkest desires out of many of his client. And all from the skills and craftsmen ship of his hand. 

With Lucy and Jace skill pilled together Extreme Effect is being put on the map. What neither if them expected was the desire they had for each other in high stool to still be there. It was a hate, hate relenship between each other back then. Now the two have a more love hate releashidhip. Trying to work through the chemistry. This two heat up and bring the story to life. 

I loved everything about this book. The story line was different then most books that you read. I loved the Brit to, every time he called someone Love. This is a book you want to grab from Emily.
4 stars    


About the Author:

Emily Snow is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the DEVOURED series and TIDAL. She loves books, sexy bad boys, and really loud rock music, so naturally, she writes stories about all three. Visit her blog at for news, teasers, and contests.

Connect with the Author:

Twitter: @emilysnowbks
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